英语听力精选进阶版 7227(在线收听

Background: 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构法塔赫和伊斯兰抵抗运动哈马斯两方在进行面谈后,就建立新联合政府达成共识并结束近5年的意见分歧。

Fatah in power in the West Bank and Hamas who govern in Gaza have been at loggerheads, sometimes violently, for almost five years.

Mahmoud Abbas and Khaled Meshaal met for the first time in six months to try and re-ignite a unity deal that never got off the ground when it was proposed back in May.

There was a lot of positive talk. President Abbas said there were no longer any differences between the two sides. Mr Meshaal said a new page in partnership had been turned.

But many will perceive these talks as having ended in failure. The substance Palestinians will have been looking for was not there. There was no news on the possible makeup of a new interim unity government to work towards elections next year.

That issue seems to remain a major sticking point. They did agree to hold more talks in a month's time but many Palestinians, who've been waiting for political unity for years, will not be holding their breath.

Glossary 词汇表

to be at loggerheads 意见不合,僵持不下

to re-ignite a deal 重新启动一项协议

to get off the ground 开始,启动

a new page 新的开始

to perceive something 认为

substance 实质性的东西

the makeup 组合

interim 临时, 过渡期

a major sticking point 一个大障碍

to hold your breath 急切等待


1: How long has there been conflict between Fatah and Hamas? 

Almost five years.

2: How successful was the deal made in May? 

Not successful at all, it didn't get off the ground.

3: True or False? The current talks will be seen by many as a failure.


4: What appears to be the one of the biggest issues between the factions?

Who is going to be in a new interim government.
