英语听力精选进阶版 7230(在线收听

Background: 挪威首相及数百名科学家和探险家聚集于南极,庆祝挪威探险家阿蒙森100年前首次带领探险队抵达地球最南极点。

The sound of skis on snow as a group of Norwegians take the final few steps to the southern pole. Not everyone could make it - bad weather had delayed some of those trying to cross the ice and others resorted to planes to make the centenary celebrations.

Amundsen and four other men were the first to reach the southern tip of the planet on December 14th 1911, using sledges, dogs and skis. The Norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg, who arrived by plane ahead of the celebrations, said the 1911 expedition was "one of the most outstanding achievements of mankind," and helped to form his country's national identity.

He also paid tribute to the ill-fated British team led by Robert Scott who Amundsen beat to the pole. They had shown "courage and determination," he said, "in reaching one of the most inhospitable places on earth" and had paid the "ultimate price" after they died on the return journey.

Glossary 词汇表

to resort 采取

a sledge 雪橇

an outstanding achievement 杰出的成就

national identity 国家民族特性

ill-fated 不幸的

to beat someone to 领先某人

courage 勇气

determination 决心

an inhospitable place 不适合人类生存的地方

the ultimate price 最高代价(这里指死亡)


What delayed travel to the centenary celebrations in the South Pole?

The bad weather.

What helped Amundsen and his group to reach the South Pole?

Sledges, dogs and skis.

True or false? The Norwegian prime minister said that Amundsen had shown "courage and determination".

False. According to the report, the Norwegian prime minister said that the British team led by Robert Scott had shown "courage and determination".

According to the report, what happened to Scott and his team?

They died on the return journey.
