英语听力精选进阶版 7232(在线收听

Background: 意大利政府正在对古罗马圆形剧场墙砖脱落的报道进行调查。据报,有人在圣诞日那天看到了墙砖脱落的情景。这件事引起人们对这幢古建筑维护的关注。

The emblem of the Roman Empire where gladiators once fought wild beasts and each other to entertain spectators. Built almost 2000 years ago, the Colosseum is considered one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and engineering.

Now though there are fears that this mighty monument may be crumbling. Italian environmentalists have frequently raised the alarm about the precarious state of the Colosseum.

They claim that exhaust fumes and the vibrations from vehicles and a nearby subway are damaging the monument. But the Colosseum authorities say there is no cause for panic.

But there is sufficient fear over the state of the building to warrant a US$ 33 million restoration project due to begin in March.

Glossary 词汇表

the emblem 象征

a wild beast 野兽

a spectator (竞技场)观众

a mighty monument 巨大的纪念碑

to crumble 坍塌

an environmentalist 环境保护人士

precarious state 危险的状态

the exhaust fumes 废气

vibrations 震动

a restoration project 修复计划


1: What used to happen inside the Colosseum?

Gladiators used to fight animals and each other.

2: According to environmentalists, what has been contributing to the damage of the monument?

Exhaust fumes and vibrations from vehicles and the subway.

3: According to the report, what is going to be done about the bad state of the Colosseum?

The authorities are beginning a restoration project worth US$ 33 million in March.

4: True or false? The Colosseum was built exactly 2000 years ago.

False. According to the report, it was build almost 2000 years ago.
