英语听力精选进阶版 7277(在线收听


The big concern about the standoff in Washington is that the economy could go back into recession if the tax increases and spending cuts go through.

Any damage could be moderated if the measures are partly reversed in the next few months, but there are reports suggesting that there has already been some impact on business investment and jobs.

Some differences between President Obama and the Republicans in Congress have narrowed, on income taxes, for example.

But they are not resolved and there remain major divergences over how to stabilise the US government finances.

Quiz 听力测验

True or False? The US economy will go into recession again if the tax increases and government spending cuts proposal go through.

False. There is a concern the US economy will go back into recession, but it is not definite yet.

True or False? President Obama and the Republicans disagree about how to stablise the US government finances.


What could cause the US economy to go into another recession?

Tax increases and government spending cuts.

Can any damage caused by the 'fiscal cliff' be reversed?

Possibly yes, but reports show there has already been some impact on business investment and jobs.

Glossary 词汇表

standoff 僵局

recession (经济)衰退,不景气

go through (法案、合同等)通过

moderated 减少,节制

measures 措施、办法

reversed 颠倒,推翻

impact 影响

resolved 解决

divergences 分歧

stabilise (使)稳定
