英语听力精选进阶版 7282(在线收听


It is a convoluted supply chain involving Dutch and Cypriot agents, two French processing companies and Romanian abattoirs. But where in that complex network did horse become beef?

The investigation is focused on the paperwork, the export documents which should certify what kind of frozen meat was being transported. In Romania two of the 35 European approved abattoirs were involved: one that deals only in horses has now been cleared – the other, some 450km from Bucharest, slaughters both cattle and horses and remains part of the inquiry.

In France, where six supermarket chains have withdrawn products, the Prime Minister has called an emergency meeting.

The Romanian President is also deeply concerned. "I hope the false labelling of meat does not come from this country," he said. "False labelling for financial profit would harm Romania's credibility for years to come - with serious implications, he added, for our export market."

Quiz 听力测验

True or False? Frozen meat being exported should have a certificate to say what kind of meat it is.


True or False? Both of the Romanian abattoirs have been proved innocent.

False. Only one of the Romanian abattoirs has been cleared, the other one remains part of the inquiry.

How many abattoirs were involved in the horsemeat scandal inquiry?

35 European approved abattoirs were involved.

Why is the Romanian President very concerned about the situation?

Because he doesn't want the false labelling of meat to harm Romania's future credibility or to have implications for their export market.

Glossary 词汇表

convoluted 复杂难懂的

supply chain 供应链

abattoirs 屠宰场

paperwork 书面记录和文件

cleared 证明无罪

some 大约

slaughters (动词)屠宰

inquiry 调查

credibility 可信度,可靠性

implications 可能引发的后果
