英语听力精选进阶版 7299(在线收听


Singapore says its citizens should remain indoors if they can - cautioning that the thick smog that has blanketed the island could go on until the dry season ends in Sumatra in September.

The smog has strained diplomatic ties between Singapore and Indonesia - two countries that usually share good relations. Singapore says it is up to Indonesia to stop the fires, while Indonesia says it is doing all it can and its own citizens are suffering too.

The haze is an annual problem for this part of the world, caused by smouldering forest fires in Sumatra. Strong winds carry the smoke from the fires to neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia.

This year though the levels of air pollution are particularly hazardous. The last time this region was so badly affected was in 1997 when the South East Asian haze lasted for months, and reportedly made 20 million people ill.

Quiz 听力测验

True or false? The smog has helped improve relations between Singapore and Indonesia.


How often does the haze, caused by the smog, happen?

Every year (annually)

What has caused the haze that has led to air pollution across South East Asia?

Forest fires in Sumatra

When the region was last badly affected by smog, how long did it last for?

It lasted for months

Glossary 词汇表

citizens 公民

smog 烟雾

blanketed 黑烟笼罩

strained 使紧张

diplomatic ties 外交关系

haze 阴霾

smouldering 阴燃,闷烧

hazardous 有害的
