英语听力精选进阶版 7301(在线收听


As the clock struck midnight, the anthem of the European Union rang out across Zagreb's main square and at last Croatia completed its journey from combat zone of the former Yugoslavia to member of Europe's biggest club.

But this was not entirely an ode to joy. Zagreb's main square was hardly packed for most of the coming-out party. And that reflects the ambivalence many people here now feel about membership. After the prolonged economic crisis, the EU no longer looks like the promised land Croatia applied to join a decade ago.

Likewise, the new member's own economic troubles have caused concern among the other 27 states. Visiting foreign ministers stressed the EU's role as a builder of peace rather than prosperity. A good point, bearing in mind Croatia's recent past. But also, perhaps, a diplomatic fig-leaf.

Quiz 听力测验

1. What former country did Croatia previously belong to?


2. True or false? Croatia applied to join the EU five years ago.

False (it was 10 years ago).

3. What is it about Croatia that worries other members of the EU?

Its economic troubles.

4. Where in Zagreb did the main celebrations take place?

In the main square.

Glossary 词汇表

anthem 国歌

combat zone 作战地带,战区

an ode to joy 欢乐颂(欧盟国歌)

ambivalence 矛盾心里,矛盾情绪

prolonged 长期的,持续很久的

the promised land 乐土,理想境地

prosperity (经济)繁荣、富足

a diplomatic fig-leaf (维持)体面外交的策略,外交遮羞布
