英语听力精选进阶版 7304(在线收听

英剑桥公爵夫人生下一名男婴。这也是英国首次消除王位继承中对女性的歧视 - 也就是说头胎生下的不论是男是女都将成为英国王位第三顺位继承人。但此项为了威廉和凯特的宝宝新推出的法案已经不太重要了。

With his great-grandmother in her 61st year on the throne, and his grandfather and father ahead of him in the line of succession, it will be some time before the Duke and Duchess's son is King.

Suzannah Lipscomb, Historian:

It is in the nature of these next few years, in his upbringing, in his childhood, in the character and values that are instilled in him at this stage, that will determine how the British public will view their monarch.

In the past, there was a formality to the royal birth announcements. Much has changed. After Prince William was born at St. Mary's hospital, his father spoke to the media.

Reporter: How is Lady Di?

Prince Charles: She's very well, marvellous.

Reporter: Was it a very painful experience?

Prince Charles: Have you ever had a baby?

Reporter: No I haven't.

Prince Charles: I should wait and see!

And from the moment the new Prince appeared on the hospital steps, it was clear his upbringing would be different, less formal. William will now be fiercely protective of his wife and child but controlling the level of interest from the public and the media is increasingly problematic.

The Duchess of Cambridge's childhood memories are of a strong family unit in rural Berkshire. Royal life appears not to have diminished that bond. And there is speculation that after the birth the Duchess will return home to mum for a few weeks.

William's childhood broke with tradition. By royal standards there was greater freedom. It was more normal, there was less restraint. He is likely to want the same for his son, a little boy who one day will be King.

Quiz 听力测验

1. True or false? Gifts were given to the baby even before it was born.

True. Wherever she went, the gifts, the questions, the chat, had been of the baby.

2. How long will it be before the new royal baby becomes King?

Some time (a long time)

3. Where was the Duchess of Cambridge brought up as a child?

Rural Berkshire (a county in the UK)

4. What kind of childhood does William want for his new son?

A childhood with less restraint and more freedom.

Glossary 词汇表

in the public eye 受公众关注的

gave little away 什么都没泄露

succession 继承权

upbringing 养育,抚养

monarch 君主

problematic 成问题的

diminished (使)减弱

speculation 猜测

broke with tradition 打破了传统

restraint 限制
