英语听力精选进阶版 7311(在线收听

墨西哥总统培尼亚 (Enrique Pena Nieto)建议对含糖饮料征税以控制该国肥胖症的蔓延。培尼亚把此税收比喻成一个国家性的“医疗税收”,因为墨西哥肥胖症患者人数巨全世界第二。

Promising that the fiscal reform was "good news for Mexicans", President Enrique Pena Nieto unveiled a wide-ranging proposal which managed to sidestep a political controversy about sales tax on food and medicine.

Those would remain unchanged, undermining a central part of the left's opposition to the reform programme. But a hike in the tax on soft drinks was included. In part, the government hope it will help tackle the country's serious obesity problem. Mexico has the second-highest obesity rates in the world after the United States.

However, the reform is also intended to deal with Mexico's weak tax revenues. The country's coffers urgently need bolstering and the intention was that long-running loopholes, which have allowed large corporations to benefit for decades, would be closed.

In particular, there were calls to impose greater taxes on the country's top earners, including the world's richest man, Carlos Slim.

However, the final document appears to have been watered down in that regard. The proposal must now be approved by Congress and the Senate, as well as a majority of Mexico's states.

Quiz 听力测验

1. True or false? The United States has the highest obesity rates in the world.


2. True or false? Mexico needs to increase its government money reserve.


3. What problems does the president hope to tackle by increasing tax on soft drinks?

The president hopes to reduce obesity rates and improve weak tax revenues.

4. Who has to approve the president’s new tax proposal?

The Congress and the Senate, as well as a majority of Mexico's states need to approve the new tax proposal.

Glossary 词汇表

fiscal 财政的

reform 改革,改良

sidestep 回避(问题)

undermining 削弱,动摇

hike 突然大幅上升

coffers 金库,资金(国库)

bolstering 支持,援助

loopholes (法律上的)漏洞

watered down 被削弱
