英语听力精选进阶版 7320(在线收听


The collection of works the Nazis stole from Jews was consigned to a dealer to be sold before the war. But the paintings then vanished; presumed destroyed.

The works consist of what the Nazis deemed 'degenerate art', that is, modern art. It now transpires that two years ago the authorities discovered this amazing and priceless collection in darkened rooms at the home of a reclusive relative of the pre-war dealer.

It seems the relative had been selling paintings occasionally, when he needed money. One work by the German expressionist Max Beckmann was sold two years ago for more than three-quarters of a million Euros.

The authorities have kept quiet, partly because ownership would be disputed. A mountain of litigation is no doubt on the way.

Quiz 听力测验

1. True or false? People thought the art, stolen by the Nazis, had been destroyed.

True. They were presumed destroyed.

2. How much is this art collection worth?

It is priceless. The collection is impossible to put a value on.

3. When was this art collection discovered?

Two years ago.

4. Why have the authorities not mentioned this discovery before?

They were worried there would a dispute about who owns it.

Glossary 词汇表

consigned 托付给了某人

vanished 消失了

presumed (不肯定的)推测、认为

deemed 认为,相信

degenerate 堕落的

transpires (秘密)泄露、为人所知

priceless 无价的,极宝贵的

reclusive 隐居的、独居的

pre-war 战前的(此处指二战前的)

expressionist 表现主义艺术家
