英语听力精选进阶版 7344(在线收听


The United States produces more greenhouse gases than any country in the world, apart from China. The plan to curb emissions from fossil-fuelled power plants is the most ambitious measure proposed by President Obama in his efforts to tackle climate change.

The details of the plan will be laid out by the Environmental Protection Agency. It will give broad flexibility to states to decide how to meet carbon reduction targets, whether by closing coal-fired power stations and switching to cleaner sources of energy, or by creating cap-and-trade schemes.

Some US media are reporting that by 2030 the government wants a 30% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. Business groups and Republicans fiercely oppose the new regulations, and say they're likely to drive up electricity prices. But for the president the measure is important for his environmental legacy and in order to show global leadership on climate change.

Quiz 听力测验

1. According to the report, which country produces the most greenhouse gases?


2. True or false? Every US state will have to meet the same carbon reduction targets.

True. The plans will give broad flexibility to states to decide how to meet carbon reduction targets but they must meet the same targets.

3. Why do Republicans dislike the new regulations about carbon reduction?

They think the plans are likely to increase - drive up - electricity prices.

4. What word in the last paragraph means ‘action done to achieve something’?


Glossary 词汇表

curb 限制

fossil-fuelled 化石燃料的

power plants 发电厂

ambitious 雄心勃勃的,任务艰巨的

tackle 应付,解决

targets 目标

fiercely oppose 强烈反对

drive up 抬高

legacy (政策)遗产
