英语听力精选进阶版 7347(在线收听


Solar cells convert energy from the Sun into electricity. The researchers have replaced a toxic compound, used to make one type of solar cell, with a chemical that is much cheaper, completely safe and works just as well.

The new compound, magnesium chloride, is used to make tofu and is found in bath salts. It's also found in sea water, and so costs much less than the poisonous chemical currently used.

Dr Jon Major, who led the research at Liverpool University, believes that the ensuing cost savings have the potential to transform the economics of solar energy.

Dr Jon Major, Liverpool University:

"Potentially you could reduce the cost of making these solar cells overnight. We think that this process could cause a step change in the cost of solar energy and that could really make the difference into making it competitive with fossil fuels."

More work will need to be done to see if the cost savings found in the lab can work on an industrial scale. But the cost of solar energy has been steadily falling. And many involved in research in the field believe that it's just a matter of time before it becomes cheaper than coal, gas and oil, and one day replaces fossil fuels entirely.


1. What is the main change in the new kind of solar cells?

A toxic compound has been replaced by a new one which is cheaper and not poisonous.

2. Where can you find magnesium chloride?

In tofu, bath salts and sea water.

3. True or false: The cost of solar energy production is getting cheaper with time?

True. It is falling steadily.

4. Which two words in the text mean 'harmful to human health'?

Toxic and poisonous.

Glossary 词汇表

toxic 有毒的,有害的

compound 化合物

ensuing 接下来的,随后的

competitive (价格)有竞争力的

fossil fuel 化石燃料

on an industrial scale 有工业规模,大规模

steadily 稳步地
