英语听力精选进阶版 7372(在线收听

A night curfew is back in force in Tunisia after a day of unrest and confusion following the removal from power and flight into exile of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. More than 40 people lost their lives after riots and then a fire swept through a prison in the resort of Monastir. Other jails freed their prisoners after disturbances broke out. Fires have also been burning out of control in the capital Tunis, from where Wyre Davies sent this report.

突尼斯总统本·阿里(Zine El Abidine Ben Ali)下台并乘飞机逃往其他国家引发了一天的动荡和骚乱,现在夜间宵禁重新生效。当天发生了暴动,莫纳斯提尔一个度假村附近的监狱发生了大火,共造成40多人死亡。动乱发生后,其他监狱释放了囚犯。首都突尼斯的火势也失去控制。Wyre Davies在现场发回报道。

As darkness fell and a curfew again came into force, reports came from the city centre that at least two people had been shot by troops in the main square. The Tunisian military, which had for so long supported the previous regime, will play a key role in determining the country's immediate future. Tanks were deployed on major roads and on street corners near key government buildings. And it's not yet clear how much power the army itself is willing to relinquish.


The speaker of parliament in Tunisia, Fouad Mebazaa, was earlier sworn in as interim president just a day after the prime minister had declared himself acting president. Mr Mebazaa has called for a national unity government, and a presidential election has been promised within 60 days. The exiled head of Tunisia's Islamist party, Rachid Ghannouchi, has said he'll return to the country within weeks and would be prepared to take part in any unity government.

总理宣布自己代理总统职权一天之后,突尼斯议长福阿德·迈巴扎(Fouad Mebazaa)宣誓就任临时总统。迈巴扎呼吁组成全国统一政府,并承诺在六十天内举行总统选举。流亡的突尼斯伊斯兰政党领袖Rachid Ghannouchi表示他将在几周内回国,准备参加任何形式的统一政府。

"There is a crisis today in Tunisia. The Tunisians have succeeded in bringing down the dictator, but they have a long way to go before they can bring down his legacy to dismantle a dictatorial edifice, to dismantle the system of one-party state which ruled over the country for 50 years."


The former US President Jimmy Carter says the week-long referendum on the separation of southern Sudan from the north has been a success. Mr Carter, who's leading an observer mission during the vote which ended today, said it had been very orderly. Peter Martell reports from the southern capital Juba.

美国前总统卡特表示,南苏丹针对从北方独立出来进行的长达一周的公投是成功的。投票于今天结束,卡特在一周的投票过程中率领观察员任务进行监督,他表示,公投过程非常有秩序。Peter Martell在南苏丹首都朱巴报道。

Reports from international observers have been almost universally optimistic, saying that so far the vote has been credible. That has come as a huge relief to the south, for whom this vote means so much. Turnout has been high with over 83% of registered voters in the south heading to the polls. Counting begins tonight, but final official results are not expected until early next month.


Riot police in Greece have used tear gas to break up clashes in Athens between anti-immigrant demonstrators and a rival group of anti-racist activists and immigrants. Several hundred people had gathered in one of the city squares to protest against plans announced by the Greek government earlier this month to build a fence along part of its border with Turkey to keep out illegal immigrants. Violence broke out when an opposing group, including many right-wing activists waving the Greek flag, tried to break through police lines.


World News from the BBC

Almost 600 people are now known to have died in the devastating floods and mudslides in southeastern Brazil. Soldiers have been sent to the worst-affected areas to help with the rescue efforts. In Nova Friburgo, where more than 250 people were killed, officials say they are having to bury bodies without being able to identify them first because there's not enough room in the mortuary. Some remote mountainous areas still haven't been reached.

目前为止,已有接近600人在巴西东南部灾难性的洪水和山体滑坡中遇难。政府已经派遣军队到受灾最严重的地区帮助进行救援工作。在新富丽堡(Nova Friburgo),已有250多人遇难,官员表示,他们在没有确定死者身份的情况下必须首先将尸体埋葬,因为太平间没有足够的空间。目前救援人员还难以到达一些偏远山区。

The United Nations is appealing for millions of dollars in emergency aid for Sri Lanka to compensate those who've been affected by the floods and to help them replant their crops. More than 300,000 people in eastern and central Sri Lanka have been displaced. A UN official said clean drinking water was a major problem as tens of thousands of wells have been contaminated.


The French health ministry is promising major changes to regulations for licensing drugs after a report said up to 2,000 people died from a diabetes drug that should have been withdrawn from the market 10 years earlier. From Paris, David Chazan reports.

一份报告称,2,000人死于一种十年前原本应该已经退出市场的糖尿病药物。随后,法国卫生部承诺对药物许可证条例做出重大变革。David Chazan在巴黎报道。

A government report said the drug known as Mediator should have been banned as early as 1999 when it began to emerge that it could cause heart disease. Several other European countries and the United States then withdrew it, but it remained on sale in France for another 10 years. The Health Minister Xavier Bertrand said it was now his duty to rebuild the regulatory system to protect the public. His statement is being seen as an admission that one of the biggest medical scandals in France in recent years may not be an isolated case.

一份政府报告表示,早在1999年首次发现美蒂拓(Mediator)这种药物可能会导致心脏病时,就应该禁止这种药物。随后,欧洲其他几个国家和美国均撤出这种药物,而法国却仍然继续销售了十年的时间。卫生部长克萨维埃·贝尔特朗(Xavier Bertrand)表示,现在他的责任是重整调控制度,保护公众。他的声明被视为他承认了法国近年来最大的医疗丑闻并不是单一的案例。

David Chazan

The parliament in the Democratic Republic of Congo has approved voting reforms that include reducing the presidential election to a single round of voting. The change will mean that the next president could be elected without an absolute majority. Correspondents say the reforms are expected to boost President Joseph Kabila's chances of re-election in November.

刚果民主共和国议会通过了投票改革,包括将总统选举减少至只有一轮投票。这个变化意味着下届总统可以在没有获得绝对的大多数优势的情况下当选。记者表示,这些改革将11月份增加总统约瑟夫卡比拉(Joseph Kabila)再次当选的机会。
