
   Well I recently got to vist one of my favorite performers on tour,the talented Taylor Swift 我最近到我最喜欢的歌手的巡演后台去了探班 她是才华横溢的Taylor Swift

  I love her.taylor and I had a lot in common.we are both blonde,we're both cover girls 我太爱她了 我们有很多共同点 我们都是金发 我们都是封面女郎
  and of course we both date Taylor Lautner.Anyway,here's what happened. 当然 我们都在跟Taylor Lautner约会 好了 一起去现场看看吧
  Here am I in the Staples Center.This place is humongous,it holds like 20,000 people 我现在到了斯台普斯中心 这地方真是太大了 能容下两万人
  And I'm here because my Protege taylor Swift is performing.So I'm gonna go find her,see where she is.Taylor,Taylor,Taylor  我来这里是因为我的小徒弟Taylor Swift要表演了 所以我得找到她 看看她在哪儿呢 Taylor Taylor Taylor
  Hi Taylor,how are you? Good to see you.Come on,I'm coming in.Ok 嗨 Taylor 你好吗 真高兴见到你 好吧 我要进去了 好的
  This is the dressing room.This is great,it's a little chill in here 这里是化妆间 这儿真棒 不过有点冷
  Because for you throat,that is not good.How about we warn up?Ok 这对你嗓子可不太好 我们来暖暖身怎么样 行啊
  Me me....Me me...You you...Them them...Those those... 我 我....我 我...你 你...他们 他们...那些 那些...
  It's good.You are a great teacher.thank you,thank you very much 真不错 你是个好老师 谢谢 感谢你