
   That's all I was waiting for,I didn't think I'd have any place I can put my baby while I was in rest room,But now 这就是我在等的东西 我以前一直不知道 如果上厕所我要把婴儿放哪儿 现在问题解决了

  That's not all,it's good for. 这还只有它的优点之一
  Let's say,let's just say off the top of my head,are you a single mom who works in a dry cleaner's 比如说 我就是随便说说 如果你是在干洗店工作的单亲妈妈
  Now you don't have to send your child to day care 现在你不用把孩子送去托儿所了
  Again,just off the top of my head.let's just say when you ride the subway 再者 我的突发奇想 比如你坐地铁的时候
  It will general rock the baby as the train goes along to sleep 宝宝可以随着火车摇摆自然入睡
  I'm always thinking,I really am.Like right now I'm thinking about what a amazing show we have 我总是在思考 真的 我现在思考的就是 我们今天的节目太精彩了
  Because we have Simon Cowell,Paula Abudull and the rest of judges of X factor 因为我们请来了Simon Cowell Paula Abudull和其他《X因素》的评委
  Also country star Luke Bryan is gonna sing for us 乡村歌手Luke Bryan还将为我们献唱
  and before we go to break I want to show you a clip of a very talented guy we found on YouTube 休息之前我想给你们看YouTube上一个达人的片段
  He's a one man band,look at this 他是个一人乐队 让我们来看一下