英语听力精选进阶版 7381(在线收听

Thirty-five people have been killed and many more injured in a bomb attack at the busiest airport in Moscow. Russian investigators say the blast in the arrivals hall at Domodedovo airport was caused by a suicide bomber. Daniel Sandford is at the scene.

莫斯科最繁忙的机场发生炸弹袭击,造成35人死亡,多人受伤。俄罗斯调查人员表示,多莫杰多沃机场抵达大厅发生的爆炸由自杀式爆炸者实施。Daniel Sandford在现场报道。

The explosion happened just before 4:30 local time. Several international flights had just arrived. Eyewitnesses said the baggage hall was packed. There was a huge explosion, and the whole building shook. The site of what appears to have been a devastating bomb was in the area where relatives and drivers wait for people to come through customs. The pick-up and set-down area was soon crowded with ambulances and fire engines. The President Dmitry Medvedev immediately postponed his trip to Davos and promised those responsible would be tracked down.


Supporters of the Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri have taken to the streets in several towns and cities to protest against efforts by the militant Hezbollah movement to form the next government. They accuse Hezbollah of carrying out a coup. Hezbollah and its allies have moved closer to securing the nomination of an American-educated billionaire Najib Mikati as the next prime minister. From Beirut, here's Kevin Connolly.

在几个城镇,黎巴嫩临时总理萨阿德·哈里里(Saad Hariri)的支持者走上街头,抗议好战组织真主党运动试图组建下一界政府的努力。他们指控真主党试图发动政变。真主党及其党羽即将成功提名在美国接受教育的亿万富翁纳吉布·米卡提(Najib Mikati)为下届总理。贝鲁特,Kevin Connolly报道。

Saad Hariri's supporters are furious at the prospect that he will emerge as the loser from the political manoeuvring which followed the collapse of his fragile coalition government. And their anger was intensified for the prospect that Hezbollah will emerge with its influence enhanced. The last government was brought to breaking point by the looming certainty that senior Hezbollah figures would be held responsible by UN investigators for the assassination of Mr Hariri's father in 2005.

脆弱的联合政府解体之后,萨阿德·哈里里(Saad Hariri)即将成为政治部署的失败者,他的支持者对这种前景感到非常愤怒。由于真主党的影响力似乎得到了加强,他们的愤怒也进一步加深。由于黎巴嫩真主党高级人物隐约地被联合国调查人员认为应为2005年前总理的暗杀事件负责,上届政府到达崩溃的边缘。

The head of Tunisia's armed forces has warned that a power vacuum in the country could bring back dictatorship. General Rachid Ammar addressed anti-government protesters in the capital Tunis, from where Magdi Abdelhadi reports.

突尼斯军队负责人警告称,权利的真空将导致独裁制度的死灰复燃。安玛尔(Rachid Ammar)将军在首都突尼斯向反政府抗议者发表讲话。Magdi Abdelhadi在现场报道。

General Ammar's appearance took everyone by surprise. He addressed a crowd of protesters who've been occupying the government quarter and are refusing to leave until the interim administration has resigned because it is dominated by people who used to work for the ousted president. Speaking through a megaphone and surrounded by soldiers, the general told the crowd that their revolution was also the army's revolution. But in what appears to be a warning to the protesters, he urged them not to obstruct the work of the government; in other words, he wants them to go home.

安玛尔(Rachid Ammar)将军的露面使所有人都感到吃惊。抗议者占领了政府中心并且拒绝离开,除非临时政府辞职,因为临时政府被以前曾经为被推翻的总统工作的人主宰。在士兵的包围下,将军通过扩音器发表了讲话。他告诉人群,他们的革命也是军队的革命。但是在对抗议者的警告中,他敦促抗议者不要妨碍政府的工作;换句话说,他希望抗议者们回家。

Further leaked documents about Middle East peace negotiations have been published by the Qatar-based news channel al-Jazeera and the Guardian newspaper in Britain. The latest documents include allegations that Palestinian negotiators privately agreed to limit the number of refugees allowed to return to Israel as part of a settlement. According to the Guardian, the Palestinian side agreed that only 10,000 Palestinian refugee families would return out of a total population of some five million.


World News from the BBC

An appeals court in the American state of Illinois has ruled that the former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel cannot run for mayor of Chicago next month, an election he was tipped to win. From Washington, Paul Adams reports.

美国伊利诺伊州上诉法庭裁决,前白宫办公厅主任拉姆·伊曼纽尔(Rahm Emanuel)不能在下月竞选芝加哥市长。他原本能够轻而易举地赢得这场选举。华盛顿,Paul Adams报道。

With less than a month to go before the people of Chicago go to the polls to select a new mayor, the Illinois appeals court says Rahm Emanuel's name cannot appear on the ballot because he won't have lived in the city for a year by the time the election takes place on 22 February. After a lower court ruled that his name could appear on the ballot, this is certainly a setback but not the end of the story. Reacting to the decision, Mr Emanuel confirmed that he would appeal to Illinois Supreme Court and said he had no doubt he would prevail. With lots of money and political backing and leading in the polls, Mr Emanuel remains the favourite to succeed Mayor Richard Daley, who's stepping down after 22 years in office.

还有不到一个月的时间芝加哥民众就要举行投票选出新的市长,伊利诺伊州上诉法庭表示,伊曼纽尔不能参加选举,因为截止到2月22日选举举行的时候,他还没有在这个城市居住一年的时间。较低级的法院曾经裁决他可以参加选举。很显然这是一个挫败,但是事情还没有结束。伊曼纽尔对该决定作出回应,他将向伊利诺伊州最高法庭提起上诉。他表示,毫无疑问他一定能够获胜。由于资金充足,政治背景深厚,而且在民意测验中处于领先地位,伊曼纽尔仍然是民众最希望的能够接任市长戴利(Richard Daley)的位置的人。戴利(Richard Daley)执政已经22年,希望能够退休。

The man accused of attempting to murder the Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords more than two weeks ago has pleaded not guilty. Twenty-two-year-old Jared Lee Loughner was arrested after the shooting outside a supermarket in Tucson, in which Ms Giffords was shot through the head.

被指控两周前意图谋杀亚利桑那州女议员吉佛兹(Gabrielle Giffords)的男子请求无罪。枪击事件后,22岁的洛克耐尔(Jared Lee Loughner)在图桑市一家超市外被逮捕。吉佛兹议员在这次枪击事件中头部中枪。

One of the big companies that buys cocoa from Ivory Coast, Cargill, says it's suspending further purchases. It follows a call from the internationally recognised President of Ivory Coast, Alassane Ouattara, for a month-long ban on cocoa exports, which provide the main source of revenue for his rival Laurent Gbagbo, who's refusing to give up the presidency.


The head of the Catholic Church in Italy has criticised political leaders who behave immorally. The comments by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco come as the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi struggles with a scandal over his relationship with a teenage nightclub dancer. Cardinal Bagnasco said the young were being sold the idea that success came through moral compromise and selling yourself rather than hard work.

意大利天主教会对行为不检点的政客提出批评。红衣主教安杰洛·巴尼亚斯科(Angelo Bagnasco)的评论是因为总理贝卢斯科尼陷入与未成年夜总会舞者有发生桃色事件的丑闻。安杰洛·巴尼亚斯科主教表示,总理的行为为年轻人灌输了不良思想,让他们认为成功可以通过道德妥协和出卖自己来获取,而不是通过自己的努力。
