英语听力精选进阶版 7387(在线收听

Tens of thousands of Egyptian anti-government protesters are continuing to occupy Tahrir Square in central Cairo, despite the first substantive talks between the authorities and the opposition. In the negotiations, the Vice President Omar Suleiman offered to set up committees to review and amend the constitution, but opposition figures, instead, proposed immediate confidence-building measures, including a lifting of the national state of emergency. Most of the protesters maintain they won't settle for anything less than the removal of President Hosni Mubarak.

埃及数万名反政府抗议者继续占领开罗中部的解放广场(Tahrir Square),尽管当局和反对派之间已经展开了实质性的对话。在谈判中,副总统苏莱曼(Omar Suleiman)提出成立委员会,对宪法进行审查和修订,但是反对派人物则提议立即采取建立信心的措施,包括解除全国紧急状态。大部分抗议者坚持称,除非总统穆巴拉克辞职,否则他们不会满足。

"Now, people are putting up tents. They're bringing in food to last them a week. Every tent or every area represents people from outside Cairo, and they're saying "We are not leaving till this guy leaves."


"Hosni Mubarak has underestimated the country, has underestimated the people. I used to say I'm proud of Egypt, but today I'm really proud of Egyptians, so proud of them."


Despite the occupation of Tahrir Square, a BBC correspondent in Cairo says there are signs of normal life resuming elsewhere in the city centre with the streets full of traffic for the first time in a week. Banks in Egypt have also opened for the first time in more than seven days, but the stock exchange will remain closed until further notice. The Egyptian economy has been damaged by the nearly two weeks of protests against President Mubarak.


In Tunisia, where the government was recently overthrown by people power, the interior ministry has announced the suspension of the former governing party from all political activity. Maddy Savage has the latest.

In the three weeks since President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was ousted, protesters have continued their campaign to get all officials linked to the old regime to step down. Tunisia's interior minister has now announced that offices linked to the RCD will be closed, and that future meetings of the former ruling party will be banned. There's been further unrest in the country since a nationwide night-time curfew was shortened. At least two people were killed on Saturday during a protest in the town of Kef, and there are reports that a man died after he was hit by a tear gas canister during riots in the south of the country.

自总统本·阿里(Zine El Abidine Ben Ali)被推翻三周以来,抗议者仍然努力将与前政体有关的官员拉下台。现在,内政部长宣布,与“宪政民主联盟”(Constitutional Democratic Rally,简称RCD)有关的办公室全部关闭,并禁止前执政党未来的会议。自全国夜间宵禁时间缩短以来,全国发生了进一步的骚乱。周二,科夫市发生的抗议活动造成至少两人遇难。有报道称,在南部的暴乱中,一名男子被催泪瓦斯击中后死亡。

Reports from southern Sudan say up to 50 people have been killed during three days of internal fighting among troops of the national army. The violence started near the border town of Malakal on Thursday and spread to two other places after soldiers from the south refused to be disarmed and move to the north.


The Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has appealed to the United Nations Security Council to convene an urgent meeting to stop what he says is Thailand's aggression against his country. Cambodia says an 11th century temple at the heart of a long-running border dispute with Thailand was damaged in a third day of clashes between troops from the two countries. The Cambodian government quoted a military commander as saying a wing of the Preah Vihear temple, a United Nations World Heritage site, had collapsed under Thai artillery fire.

柬埔寨首相洪森(Hun Sen)向联合国安理会申请,要求召开紧急会议,制止泰国对柬埔寨的进攻。柬埔寨方面表示,在两国军队冲突的第三天,处于双方长期边境争议中心的11世纪的寺庙被毁坏。柬埔寨政府引用军队一名指挥官的话称,联合国世界遗产柏威夏寺的侧翼在泰国的炮火轰炸之下坍塌。

World News from the BBC

Prison officials in Colombia say they've caught an 11-year-old girl trying to smuggle dozens of mobile phones and a gun into a jail. The guards became suspicious when they saw what they described as irregular shapes underneath the girl's jumper. When they investigated, they found 74 mobile phones and a revolver taped to her back.


A group of about 70 Belgian students is still stranded on the Spanish island of Lanzarote after they were forced off an Ryanair flight to Brussels following a dispute with cabin staff. Ryanair says police were called after the university students became disruptive. Sarah Rainsford in Madrid has more.

前往布鲁塞尔的大约70名比利时学生因为与客舱职员发生了冲突被迫下机,目前仍然被困在西班牙的兰萨罗特岛。Ryanair航空表示,这些学生开始捣乱之后他们报了警。Sarah Rainsford在马德里报道更详细内容。

The budget airline says the altercation began after some of the students were charged a fee for excess hand luggage. Spanish police ordered all passengers off the plane. When the dispute continued on the ground, none of the students were allowed back on board. Stranded at the airport, they are now trying to book alternative flights home. But the Belgian council told the BBC most routes were already full or too expensive for the mutinous students to afford.


Six thousand people had to be moved from their homes in a suburb of Paris so that an unexploded Second World War British bomb could be defused. Allied bombers attacked the area in 1942.


The legendary blues and rock guitarist Gary Moore has died suddenly in Spain. He was 58. Born in Belfast in Northern Ireland, Moore featured in the line-ups of a number of notable rock bands including Thin Lizzy. One of their most recognisable songs was The Boys are Back in Town and Moore's guitar riff. Gary Moore went on to pursue a prolific solo career.

传奇式的蓝调和摇滚吉他手Gary Moore突然在西班牙去世,年仅58岁。Gary Moore出生在北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特,是许多著名的摇滚乐队的吉他手,包括Thin Lizzy在内。他们最受认可的歌曲包括Boys are Back in Town和Moore的反复乐节。后来,Gary Moore继续追求自己精彩的单曲生涯。
