英语听力精选进阶版 7402(在线收听

Libya's diplomats at the United Nations have called for international intervention to stop the government's violent action against street demonstrations in their homeland. The deputy ambassador Ibrahim Omar Al Dabashi said Libyans must be protected from what he called a genocide. He told the BBC that the Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi should be put on trial.

利比亚驻联合国外交官请求国际社会进行干预,制止其政府在利比亚国土上暴力镇压示威活动的行为。代理外交官Ibrahim Omar Al Dabashi表示,利比亚人必须受到保护,免于“种族灭绝”的危险。他告诉BBC,利比亚领袖卡扎菲必须接受审判。

"Certainly, the best scenario is to have him before the court, to prosecute him and to know from him everything about the crimes he committed before, whether it is the genocide of the prison of Abu Saleem or the genocide he is committing now or the disappearance of certain important personalities, and all the other crimes he has committed during the 42 years in power in Libya."

“当然,最佳方案就是将卡扎菲押上法庭,对他进行控告,了解他以前犯下的所有罪行,无论是在阿布萨利姆(Abu Salim)监狱的种族灭绝行为,还是现在一些重要人物的失踪,以及他在统治利比亚42年的时间内犯下的所有罪行。”

The Libyan diplomats in New York urged the UN to impose a no-fly zone over the Libyan capital Tripoli, where there had been reports of warplanes attacking protesters. A BBC correspondent has sent this report from Tripoli.


The streets are almost empty, only heavy-security presence with armed police or security with civilian outfits monitoring every corner of the city. Shops are closed, and few bakeries are open where people lined up to get their bread. There's a strong sense of tension here. Supporters of Colonel Gaddafi drove through the city, keeping horned, holding the green flag in what looked like an orchestrated scene. And as the sun set, heavy gunfire is heard nearby in the city centre.


There are unconfirmed reports that the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has left Tripoli. His exact whereabouts are unknown, but the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he had spoken to him to express deep concern at the escalating violence. John McManus reports.

有未经证实的报道称,利比亚领袖卡扎菲已经离开的黎波里。他的具体行踪无人知晓。但是联合国秘书长潘基文表示,他此前曾经与卡扎菲对话,对不断升级的暴力形势表示担忧。John McManus报道。

As protests continue in Libya, two of the country's air force pilots have landed in Malta, seeking political asylum. And in London, nine embassy staff have left their offices to join around 100 protesters outside. There have also been several reports that army personnel inside Libya have changed sides. Earlier today, the British Foreign Secretary William Hague said that he'd seen some unconfirmed information suggesting that the country's leader Colonel Gaddafi was on his way to Venezuela, something that both the governments in Tripoli and Caracas have denied.

利比亚的抗议活动继续进行,两名空军飞行员在马尔他着陆,请求政治收容。在伦敦,9名大使馆职员离开办公室,加入外面的100名抗议者的行列。也有几份报道称,利比亚国内的一些军事人员已经倒戈。今天早些时候,英国外交大臣威廉·黑格(William Hague)表示,他看到一些未经证实的消息称,利比亚领袖卡扎菲上校正在前往委内瑞拉,的黎波里和加拉加斯政府都否认了该说法。

Egypt's public prosecutor has instructed the foreign ministry to seek a freeze on the foreign assets of the former President Hosni Mubarak and his family. The move is the first sign that Mr Mubarak could be held accountable by the country's new military leadership. Critics say Mr Mubarak illegally amassed wealth during his three decades in power. It's also been announced that the former ministers of interior and tourism will face trial on charges of misusing public funds.


Thousands of people have occupied a square in the Tunisian capital Tunis to demand that the transitional government step down. They are angry that the administration contains allies of the ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.


World News from the BBC

An army colonel in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for ordering his troops to commit mass rape. Here's our Africa correspondent Andrew Harding.

刚果民主共和国一名上校因纵容士兵进行大规模强奸而被判处20年监禁。我们的非洲记者Andrew Harding报道。

Colonel Kibibi Mutware's troops attacked the village of Fizi on New Year's Day following a dispute with a local shop owner. The government soldiers raped more than 60 women. For years, this kind of violence has been almost a norm in eastern Congo, a vast region, where rival armies and militias prey with impunity on civilians. But this time, a mobile court paid for by foreign donors was sent to the area. Not only were the colonel and his deputies put on trial, but crucially 49 women agreed to give evidence. It's the first time a commanding officer has been convicted of rape, a precedent that many hope will deter future crimes and strengthen the rule of law.

陆军上校马特威尔·基毕比(Mutuare Kibibi)与当地一名店主发生口角之后在新年当天带兵袭击了菲奇村。政府士兵强奸了60多名妇女。几年来,这种暴力活动在刚果东部大范围地区几乎已经成为规则。在这些地区,军队和义勇军对平民犯罪是不受惩罚的。但是这次,外国捐赠者提供资金的一个机动法庭被派往该地区。不仅这名上校和他的手下要接受审判,更关键的是,49名女性同意提供证据。指挥官因强奸被判刑还是首次,许多人希望,这个先例能够制止更多的犯罪,增强法律的执行力度。

The last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has described today's Russia as an "imitation democracy". He criticised President Medvedev and the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for saying they would decide between them which one should run for the presidency next year. Here's Rayhan Demytrie.

苏联最后一名领导人戈尔巴乔夫(mikhail gorbachev)称今天的俄罗斯是“仿造的民主制度”。他对梅得韦杰夫总统和普京总理提出了批评,因为他们两人说,两人将决定由谁来参加明年的总统选举。Rayhan Demytrie报道。

Mikhail Gorbachev told journalists in Moscow that he did not like the way Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev approached the issue of the next year's presidential elections. "It is not Putin's business to decide who will lead the country. It should be up to voters," said Gorbachev. The former Soviet leader has described the country's main pro-Kremlin party as the worst copy of the Soviet Communist Party and said Russia had only imitations of a parliament and a judicial system.

Three inmates who attacked a Bosnian Serb war criminal in a British jail have been given additional prison sentences. The victim of the assault, Radislav Krstic, had been convicted of involvement in a massacre of Muslims at Srebrenica. The judge told the defendants, all of whom are Muslim, that he had no doubt their attack was intended as revenge.

在英国监狱中袭击波斯湾战犯的三名囚犯被加刑。袭击的受害者Radislav Krstic曾在斯雷布雷尼察大规模屠杀穆斯林。法官告诉三名穆斯林被告,毫无疑问,他们的袭击是报复行为。
