英语听力精选进阶版 7403(在线收听

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya has called on his supporters to go out onto the streets and attack what he called the “cockroaches” demonstrating against his rule. Speaking on state television, he urged loyal Libyans to chase the anti-government protestors, arrest them and hand them over to security forces.

利比亚领袖卡扎菲上校(Muammar Gaddafi)呼吁他的支持者走向街头,袭击他所说的反对他执政的“蟑螂”。在国家电视台发表讲话时,他敦促忠诚的利比亚人追赶反政府抗议者,将他们逮捕并移交给安全力量。

“(er) Would you like America to come and occupy you like Afghanistan and Somalia, like Pakistan and Iraq? Is that what you want? If that’s what you want…If you don’t, go out to the street. Take to the street. Chase them. Disarm them.”


Colonel Gaddafi said anyone who took up arms against Libya would be executed.


“The death penalty will be applied to all those who cooperate with foreign states, or anybody who works in their interests, and anybody who harms the defence of the country.”


Colonel Gaddafi also said that he could not leave his country and would die a martyr at the end.


Shortly after Colonel Gaddafi ended his speech, a BBC correspondent in Tripoli heard the sound of guns being fired, apparently into the air. She said fireworks were also set off and cars drove through the city at high speed, their horns blaring. Earlier in the day, Tripoli was reported to be tense, with almost empty streets enlivened only by lines of people queuing for bread and petrol.


The United Nations Security Council is holding emergency talks on the crisis and is expected to issue a statement. Libya’s deputy ambassador said that he wanted it to declare a no-fly zone over the capital Tripoli to prevent air attacks on demonstrators. However, the ambassador disassociated himself from this deputy’s remarks and denied that warplanes had been used.


The Algerian government has adopted an order to lift the state of emergency that’s been in place for 19 years. The state news agency said the move would officially come into force when it was published in the government gazette. With more details, here’s Chloe Arnold from Algiers.

阿尔及利亚政府下令撤销已经实施了19年的紧急状态。国家新闻机构表示,政府公告上发表了该消息之后,此举将正式生效。Chloe Arnold在阿尔及尔报道更详细内容。

The state of emergency was imposed in 1992, at the start of two decades of bloodshed in which security forces fought Islamist rebels. The violence left as many as a quarter of a million people dead. Observers say the government appears to be lifting the state of emergency as a concession to opposition parties and human rights activists who’ve been staging marches calling for democracy and greater freedoms. Inspired by popular revolts across the Arab world, they say they’ll rally every Saturday in the capital until there’s been a change in the regime.


Tens of thousands of people have marched through the capital of Bahrain in one of the biggest protests yet in the campaign for greater democracy in the Gulf kingdom. Demonstrators carrying Bahrain’s red and white flag called for the downfall of the government as they made their way towards Pearl Square. Earlier, King Hamad ordered the release of an unspecified number of prisoners. Freeing political detainees is a key opposition demand.


This is the World News from the BBC in London.

Four Americans on board a yacht held hostage by Somali pirates have been killed by their captors. The US Navy said that the crew of one of its warships was negotiating with the pirates when shooting broke out aboard the captured yacht, the Quest. Vice Admiral Mark Fox is the commander of the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet.

被索马里海盗劫持的一艘游艇上的四名美国人被杀害。美国海军表示,他们的战船船员正在与海盗谈判的时候,被劫持的游艇Quest号上突然开枪。福克斯中将(Vice Adm. Mark Fox)是美国海军第五舰队的指挥官。

“Gunfire erupted inside the cabin of the Quest. Several pirates appeared on deck and moved up to the bow with their hands in the air in surrender. US Naval reaction forces closed in on the Quest and boarded the yacht. As they responded to the gunfire, reaching and boarding the Quest, US sailors discovered that all four hostages had been shot by their captors.”


The American said that they killed two of the pirates and found two more dead on the yacht. The others were captured.


Rescue work is continuing in New Zealand to find dozens of people feared trapped under collapsed buildings after a powerful earthquake struck the city of Christchurch. The civil defence ministry said 32 people had been confirmed dead so far. Initially the government put the number of fatalities at 65. The ministry said 11 people had been found alive. New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key described the centre of Christchurch as “a scene of devastation”.

新西兰城市克赖斯特彻奇遭遇强震袭击,搜救工作仍在继续,试图寻找可能被埋在废墟下的几十人。民防部表示,目前为止已经证实32人死亡。最初,政府公布的死亡数字为65人。民防部表示,他们后来发现仍有11人幸存。新西兰总理约翰·基(John Key)称克赖斯特彻奇中心完全是一片“荒废的景象”。

A mass polio vaccination campaign is being planned in Burma after a 7-month-old baby was found to have the virus. It’s the first case there for three years. Vivien Marsh has this report.


Burma had been on the point of being declared free of polio, a highly contagious virus that can lead to paralysis and which is spread mainly through contaminated food and water. Four years ago, the Burmese government immunised nearly 7 million children. Since a drive to eliminate polio began more than 20 years ago, the number of cases has dropped by 99% worldwide. A team from the World Health Oganisation is already in Burma to work out how to stop its spreading again there.

缅甸即将宣布没有小儿麻痹症疫情。小儿麻痹症是一种传染性非常高的疾病,会导致瘫痪,主要通过污染了的水和食物传播。四年前,缅甸政府为接近700名儿童接种。自20多年前发起根除小儿麻痹症的活动以来,全世界小儿麻痹症患者减少了99%。来自世界卫生组织的一个工作小组已经抵达缅甸,制定防治小儿麻痹症再次传播的可行性计划。Viv Marsh报道。
