英语听力精选进阶版 7409(在线收听

BBC News with Marion Marshall

Forces opposed to the Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi have scored an important victory over government troops by beating off an attack on the northeastern town of Brega, where there's a big oil installation. Brega is close to Ajdabiya, the largest town near the opposition stronghold of Benghazi. More details from John Simpson, who's been in Brega.

反对利比亚领袖卡扎菲上校(Colonel Muammar Gaddafi)的力量在对抗政府军队方面取得了重要胜利,他们击退了政府军队对东北部城镇Brega的袭击。Brega当地拥有一座大型石油设施,距离反对派堡垒班加西附近最大的城镇Ajdabiya非常近。John Simpson在Brega报道更详细内容。

Most people in Ajdabiya probably assumed that Colonel Gaddafi's forces were on their way and that there was little between them and the rebel capital Benghazi, nearly 100 miles away. But that's not what happened. Volunteers came pouring in from Benghazi and Ajdabiya. A senior officer sent down from Benghazi suggested to me that in the fighting that followed, the Gaddafi army may have run out of ammunition. By late afternoon, the soldiers were chased out altogether and al-Brega was full of jubilant rebels firing their guns in the air. It's not a final defeat certainly, but it is an important reverse.


Britain and France are to send aircraft and ships to Tunisia to repatriate tens of thousands of Egyptians stranded there after fleeing from the violence in Libya. The refugees are currently living in dire conditions, with many more still waiting to cross over the border from Libya.


A senior United Nations official in Ivory Coast has confirmed that electricity and water supplies have been cut to the north of the country. The region is traditionally opposed to Laurent Gbagbo, the man who's refusing to leave office despite an international consensus that he lost last November's election. The UN official, Ndolamb Ngokwey, said the Ivorian electricity company had told him the cuts were political with no technical reason for them.

联合国驻科特迪瓦一名高级官员证实,该国北部的水电供应已经中断。该地区传统上一直反对巴博总统。巴博一直拒绝退位,尽管国际社会公认他在去年11月份的选举中落败。联合国官员多兰姆·格克维(Ndolamb Ngokwey)表示,科特迪瓦电力公司告诉他,电力中断完全是政治原因,没有任何技术问题。

"The statement of the electrical company, this energy shortage is not due to technical issues. This is what they said. They clearly said that it has to do with the political situation, so it was cut for political reason."


The head of the United Nations peacekeeping forces, Alain Le Roy, has apologised to the government of Belarus for falsely accusing it of violating an arms embargo against Ivory Coast. Earlier this week, the UN said it believed Belarus was delivering three attack helicopters for the use of forces loyal to Laurent Gbagbo.

联合国维和力量负责人勒罗伊(Alain Le Roy)向白俄罗斯道歉,称他们错误地指控白俄罗斯违反向科特迪瓦实施的武器禁令。本周初,联合国声称,他们相信白俄罗斯向忠于巴博的武装力量运送了三架攻击直升机。

Two US servicemen have been shot dead on a bus at Frankfurt airport in Germany, and two others were wounded. German authorities say the gunman appeared to be a man from Kosovo. He's been arrested. They said it wasn't clear whether the man had a terrorist motive. President Obama condemned the attack.


"I want everybody to understand that we will spare no effort in learning how this outrageous act took place and in working with German authorities to ensure that all of the perpetrators are brought to justice. This is a stark reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices that our men and women in uniform are making all around the world to keep us safe."


President Obama

World News from the BBC

The Supreme Court in the United States has ruled in favour of a controversial church that holds anti-gay protests at the funerals of American soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The court said the constitution's protection of free speech took precedence over the right of military families to privacy. From Washington, Jonny Dymond reports.

美国最高法庭裁决,支持在伊拉克和阿富汗遇难的美军士兵的葬礼上举行反同性恋抗议活动的教堂。法庭表示,宪法保护言论自由的权利优先于保护军人家属隐私的权利。华盛顿,Jonny Dymond报道。

The Westboro Baptist Church is one of the most controversial non-violent groups in the US. For years now, members have demonstrated at the funerals of those who have fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan, loudly proclaiming that the deaths are because the US tolerates homosexuality. The father of a marine who was killed in Iraq in 2006 sued the church, but the Supreme Court has ruled overwhelmingly that the activities of the church are protected by the constitution. The ruling will disappoint many Americans disgusted by the church's activities.

Westboro Baptist教堂是美国最具争议性的非暴力组织之一。几年来,教堂成员在伊拉克和阿富汗牺牲的士兵的葬礼上举行示威活动,大声宣告这些士兵的死亡是由于美国容忍同性恋。2006年在伊拉克牺牲的一名海军的父亲对这座教堂提起控告,但是最高法庭裁决,法庭的行为是受宪法保护的。该裁决会让许多厌恶该教堂做法的美国人失望。

The commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, has issued a personal apology for the killing of nine young boys in Kunar province on Tuesday. Local Afghan officials say the boys, aged 12 or younger, had been gathering firewood when helicopter gunships attacked them with rockets. Nato says there was a mistake in relaying information about the position of presumed militants who were firing at a Nato base.

阿富汗北约暨美军司令彼得雷乌斯(David Petraeus)以个人名义对周二Kunar省9名男孩的遇害表示道歉。当地阿富汗官员表示,这些12岁以下的男孩正在寻找木材,突然遭遇直升飞机投掷的火箭弹的袭击。北约表示,他们在转达好战分子袭击北约基地的位置的信息方面出现错误。

French prosecutors say the fashion designer sacked by Christian Dior, John Galliano, is to stand trial for allegedly using racial insults during a confrontation in a Paris bar. He's denied the accusations, saying he was attacked with a chair by someone who didn't like the way he looked. The designer has apologised for causing offence.

法国检控官表示,被克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior)解雇的时尚设计师约翰·加利亚诺(John Galliano)因为在巴黎一个酒吧发生冲突时使用了种族主义的语言而即将接受审判。他否认了该指控,称某个不喜欢他的样子的人用椅子袭击了他。这位设计师已经因为自己的错误而道歉。

The Ireland team have registered one of the biggest shocks in the history of the Cricket World Cup, beating England by three wickets in Bangalore. They also staged the highest winning run-chase ever in the World Cup, and batsman Kevin O'Brien smashed the record for its fastest century off just 50 balls.

爱尔兰队创造了板球世界杯历史上最大的奇迹,在班加罗尔击败了英格兰队,他们还创造了板球世界杯历史上最高的分数。击球手Kevin O'Brien也打破了本世纪的最高纪录。
