英语听力精选进阶版 7411(在线收听

President Obama has again demanded that the embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi step down. Mr Obama repeatedly told a White House news conference that Colonel Gaddafi had lost the legitimacy to lead. He warns that those responsible for violence against civilians will be held accountable. With more, here's Kim Ghattas in Washington.

奥巴马总统再次要求四面楚歌的利比亚领袖卡扎菲(Muammar Gaddafi)下台。奥巴马在白宫新闻发布会上反复强调,卡扎菲上校已经失去继续领导利比亚的合法性。他警告称,对平民发动暴力袭击的人一定会被追究责任。Kim Ghattas在华盛顿报道更详细内容。

It's not the first time that Barack Obama has called on the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to leave office. Last week, the White House put it in a written statement. This time, Mr Obama did it in a televised press conference. It's part of the slow but steady ramping up of the pressure on Mr Gaddafi. Mr Obama also said he had instructed the Department of Defence and the State Department to examine a full range of options so that the United States could act rapidly if the situation deteriorated.


The International Organisation for Migration says 200,000 migrant workers have now left Libya, crossing into Egypt, Tunisia and Niger. An international airlift has been organised. Jeremy Bowen sent this report from a Libyan border crossing into Tunisia.

国际移民组织(International Organisation for Migration)表示,现在已有200,000名移民工人离开利比亚,穿越边境进入埃及,突尼斯和尼日尔境内。现在已经组织了国际空中营救活动。Jeremy Bowen在利比亚通往突尼斯边境处发回报道。

Without the foreign workers on whom this country's economy relies, Libya is feeling even more isolated. The good news for Colonel Gaddafi is that the road from here, the Tunisian border, back to Tripoli is under his control, except for the centre of one town, Zawiya. The bad news is that his security services don't know who they can trust here in western Libya. They are still raiding houses at night and taking people away. The colonel does have genuine support but has genuine opposition, too. The use of lethal force by the security services is so far this week deterring demonstrations.


There have been more attacks by Libyan air force planes on areas of eastern Libya controlled by anti-Gaddafi forces. A ship loaded with flour was sent to the city of Benghazi by the World Food Programme but had to turn back after reports of explosions. Earlier a Libyan opposition spokesman had reported bombing raids on anti-Gaddafi forces in nearby Ajdabiya and on the airport at Brega, which has a major oil terminal.


Tunisia's interim President Fouad Mebazaa has announced the first details of elections promised after the overthrow two months ago of President Ben Ali. Speaking on national television, Mr Mebazaa said that voting for a representative council that would rewrite the constitution would be held by the 24 July at the latest. He said that until then a new interim government would run the country and he would stay in office, despite a 60-day limit on caretaker office holders under the current constitution.

突尼斯临时总统福阿德·迈巴扎(Fouad Mebazaa)宣布了两个月前本·阿里总统被推翻后承诺的选举的首批细节。在国家电视台发表讲话时,迈巴扎表示,对代表委员会进行的投票最迟将在7月24日举行,该委员会将对宪法进行修订。他表示,在那之前,新的过渡政府将负责国家的正常运作,他将继续执政,尽管按照现行的宪法,临时政府负责人存在60天的时间限制。

The United Nations food agency says global food prices reached a record high last month. The Food and Agriculture Organisation is warning that costs could spiral even further if unrest in Libya and the Middle East keeps driving up the price of oil. Rising food costs helped spark the recent protests in Egypt and Tunisia.


World News from the BBC

Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo are to set up a joint investigation into a gold smuggling network operating in the region. With more, here's Will Ross.

肯尼亚和刚果民主共和国对该地区一个黄金走私网络展开了联合调查。Will Ross报道更详细内容。

Officials from the Democratic Republic of Congo want to break up a gold smuggling network, and they see Kenya as a major hub. The recent discovery in Nairobi of two and a half tonnes of gold, worth around $100m, led to an investigation by Kenya's revenue authority. But over the weekend, the man heading the probe was shot dead outside his home. The Congolese and Kenyan presidents have now agreed to form a joint team to crack down on illegal gold smuggling, but past form shows that it's extremely hard to clean up the Congolese mineral trade.


The United Nations Security Council has said it's seriously concerned about violence in Ivory Coast. On Thursday, troops loyal to Laurent Gbagbo, who has refused to leave office after a disputed presidential election, shot and killed six women marching in the main city. Barbara Plett reports.

联合国安理会表示,他们非常担忧科特迪瓦的暴力形势。周四,忠于在有争议的总统选举后拒绝退位的巴博的军队枪杀了在主要城市举行游行的6名女子。Barbara Plett报道。

The Security Council expressed deep concern about the escalation of violence and the risk of a return to civil war in Ivory Coast. It urged UN peacekeepers to use all necessary means to protect civilians, alarmed in particular by news that troops loyal to Laurent Gbagbo had opened fire with heavy machine guns on women protesters supporting his rival, the recognised winner of recent presidential elections Alassane Ouattara. Mr Gbagbo's forces have also targeted the peacekeepers. A senior UN official said UN troops had responded by conducting stronger patrols and using tear gas to break through blockades. But the Ivory Coast's ambassador here said that was not enough.


The Manchester City footballer Kolo Toure has been suspended after failing a drugs test. The English Premier League club said in a statement that Toure, an Ivory Coast international, had tested positive for what it called a "specified substance", but didn't say what that was. The club made no further comment.

曼联足球队员科洛·图雷(Kolo Toure)因药检不合格而被禁赛。英超俱乐部在一份声明中表示,科特迪瓦籍足球运动员图雷因某种“特殊物质”呈阳性而被禁赛,但是没有指明具体是什么物质。该俱乐部没有发表进一步的评论。
