英语听力精选进阶版 7412(在线收听

Forces loyal to the Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi have been fighting on two fronts as the government tries to re-establish control. In one of Libya's biggest cities, al-Zawiya, 50km west of the capital Tripoli, witnesses said many people were killed when government forces attempted to re-capture the city. Hundreds of kilometres to the east, there are conflicting claims about who now controls the oil port of Ras Lanuf after a day of clashes. John Simpson reports from the road near the city.

由于政府试图重新夺取控制权,忠于利比亚领袖卡扎菲上校的部队正在两个战线进行战斗。在首都的黎波里西部50千米处的利比亚最大城市“扎维亚”(Al-Zawiya),目击者表示,许多人在政府力量试图重新控制该城市的过程中遇难。东部数百千米处,经过一天的冲突之后,冲突的双方均声称自己控制了石油港口拉斯拉努夫。John Simpson在该城市附近的道路上报道。

Spirit and enthusiasm of the rebels is their main weapon. This is the second battle where it's being tested. Close up, the fighting was pretty fierce. Colonel Gaddafi's men were beaten the other day, but here they've got superiority in weapons, and they are on their own home territory. The battle has been moving backwards and forwards all afternoon and into the evening.


In the Libyan capital Tripoli, the security forces fired tear gas at hundreds of protesters who took to the streets after Friday prayers. The demonstrations came despite a heavy military presence in the suburb of Tajura, the scene of previous challenges to the authority of Colonel Gaddafi. Jeremy Bowen was there.

在利比亚首都的黎波里,周五的祈祷过后,数百名抗议者走向街头,安全力量施放催泪瓦斯试图将人群驱散。尽管Tajoura郊区有大量兵力驻守,却仍然发生了抗议活动,就像卡扎菲上校当局此前面临的挑战的景象。Jeremy Bowen报道。

The demonstration was small but symbolically important enough for the police to break it up. They arrived after about an hour, firing volleys of tear gas and rubber bullets. All the hatred for Colonel Gaddafi and his system here in Tajura and elsewhere won't, on its own, bring the regime down. The protesters need many more people on the streets and help from inside the regime if they are to get the result they want, and so far they don't have enough of either.


Libya's Internet links to the outside world appeared to have been severed. Firms that monitor Internet security and traffic flow say the service interruption appeared to be more than just a blip, of which there have been many since the unrest began.


The new interim Prime Minister in Tunisia, Beji Caid-Essebsi, says he'll announce a new government within the next two days. He also accused the former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of treason. It was Mr Ben Ali's overthrow in January that began the wave of protests demanding change that have swept the Arab world.

突尼斯新任临时总理贝吉·凯德·埃塞卜西(Beji Caid-Essebsi)表示,未来的两天之内他将宣布组建新的政府。他还指控前总统本·阿里叛国。1月份本·阿里总统被推翻引发了阿拉伯世界要求变革的抗议浪潮。

Thirteen soldiers in Mexico have been charged with drug trafficking after they were allegedly found in possession of almost a tonne of the synthetic drug methamphetamine and 30kg of cocaine. A local military commander said the men had been transporting the drugs from the capital Mexico City to Tijuana, on the US border. President Felipe Calderon has deployed about 50,000 soldiers to help fight the war on drugs. Since he came to power, more than 34,000 people have died in drug-related violence.


World News from the BBC

The highest court in South Africa has ruled that miners with lung disease can sue their employers. An estimated 280,000 gold miners from across southern Africa suffered from lung disease brought on by dust. Here's Martin Plaut.

南非最高法庭裁决,患有肺病的矿工可以起诉他们的雇主。南非估计共有280,000名金矿工人患有因灰尘引起的肺病。Martin Plaut报道。

This case could open the floodgates for litigation against South Africa's mining companies. The miner who brought the case has died, but the company for which he worked, AngloGold Ashanti, accepted that the case could allow others to seek damages for their illnesses. The lawyer who brought the case, Richard Spoor, told the BBC the ruling showed that companies could no longer discard people like used machinery. There is speculation the ruling could end deep-level mining, but the companies think this will not be the case.

该案件可能会打开起诉南非矿业公司的闸门。递交该案件的矿工已经去世,但是他所在的公司AngloGold Ashanti接受该案件可以允许其他人索取疾病赔偿。负责该案件的律师Richard Spoor告诉BBC,该裁决表明,公司不能再像对待机器一样对待工人。也有人猜测,该裁决会导致深层采矿的终止,但是矿业公司却不这么认为。

An American aid contractor has gone on trial in Cuba on charges of espionage in a case that could have serious repercussions for US-Cuban relations. The US has urged Cuba to release him unconditionally. Michael Voss reports from Havana.

美国一名救助承包商因间谍指控在古巴接受指控。该案件将会对美国和古巴之间的关系产生严重的影响。美国敦促古巴无条件地将此人释放。Michael Voss在哈瓦那报道。

Sixty-one-year-old Alan Gross was driven into the Havana courthouse inside an unmarked van with blacked-out windows. He's charged with acts against the integrity and independence of Cuba, and prosecutors have said they are seeking a 20-year sentence. Mr Gross has already spent 15 months in a Cuban jail, accused of providing satellite communications equipment, which is illegal in Cuba, to groups on the island.

61岁的Alan Gross被关在没有任何标志的黑色玻璃的货车中带往哈瓦那法庭。他被控告危害古巴完整和独立。检控官表示,他们希望对被告判处20年的有期徒刑。Gross已经被古巴监狱关押了15个月,被指控向古巴岛上的组织提供卫星通讯设备,这在古巴是非法的。

The latest employment figures in the United States show the number of jobs rose last month by more than 190,000. The unemployment rate dropped below 9% for the first time in nearly two years.


The suspect in the shootings in Tucson, Arizona in January when US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was seriously wounded, has been indicted on a number of new charges. Jared Loughner now faces 49 counts, including the murder of six people and the attempted assassination of Ms Giffords.

1月份亚利桑那州图桑市造成女议员吉佛兹(Gabrielle Giffords)严重受伤的枪击案的嫌疑人被控告几宗罪刑。Jared Loughner现在面临着49宗控诉,包括谋杀六人和试图谋杀吉佛兹。
