英语听力精选进阶版 7415(在线收听

Forces loyal to the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi have intensified their assault on rebel-held towns, using tanks,artillery, and air power. About 50 government tanks were reported to have attacked Zawiya near the capital Tripoli from where Wyre Davies reports.

忠于利比亚领袖卡扎菲的力量使用坦克,大炮和空袭加强了对反对派控制的城镇的进攻。据报道,政府大约50辆坦克袭击了首都的黎波里附近的扎维耶。Wyre Davies报道。

We understand from at least two trusted sources inside the town of Zawiya that there has been heavy fighting in the town. One man told us by telephone there were at least 50 government tanks attacking Zawiya and that there were bullets flying in all directions. The same man, a trusted BBC contact,described the town as having been torn down to ashes. Another witness from the rebel-held town just 50 kilometres to the west of Tripoli said, in his own words, “Zawiya has been wiped from the earth.”, and that several people including children had been killed. The Libyan government insists that its troops are not killing civilians,and are only taking up defensive positions around towns like Zawiya.


In eastern Libya,pro-Gaddafi forces are reported to have shelled the oil town of Ras Lanuf.


The UN refugee agency says hundreds of thousands of people in Ivory Coast have been displaced by the fighting between supporters of the two men claiming to be president. The UNHCR says that over the last three months up to 300,000 have left their homes in Abidjan.


The International Criminal Court has issued summonses for six suspects in its investigation into post-election violence in Kenya in 2008.The six are accused of murder, deportations, and persecutions. Will Ross reports.

国际刑事法庭传唤了2008年肯尼亚选举后暴力调查的六名嫌疑人。这六人被指控谋杀,驱逐和迫害。Will Ross报道。

This decision means the trial of the six prominent Kenyans is now almost inevitable. It’s not clear if the six Kenyans will show up at the court in The Hague– a lot is at stake. Those accused of bearing the most responsibility for the post-election violence include the son of Kenya’s founding president, Uhuru Kenyatta. He’s now both the deputy prime minister and the finance minister. Also to be issued with the summons is Francis Muthaura, the secretary to the cabinet and an extremely close ally of the current President Mwai Kibaki.

该决定表明,对六名卓越的肯尼亚人的审判几乎已经是不可避免的。目前还不清楚这六名嫌疑人是否会出现在海牙国际刑事法庭——一切都要视情况而定。被指控应该为大选后暴力负主要责任的人物包括肯尼亚开国总统的儿子乌呼鲁·肯雅塔(Uhuru Kenyatta)。他现在担任肯尼亚副总理和财政部部长两个关键职位。同时被传召的还有内阁秘书及现任总统姆瓦伊·齐贝吉(Mwai Kibaki)的亲密盟友Francis Muthaura。

The biggest insider trading trial in more than a decade has started in New York. Raj Rajaratnam, the Sri Lankan founder of the hedge fund company Galleon, is accused of making more than 45 million dollars in illegal profits from insider information on stock market trades. Caroline Hepker reports from New York.

十多年来最大的内幕交易审判在纽约开始。斯里兰卡对冲基金公司Galleon的创始人拉杰·拉贾拉特南(Raj Rajaratnam)被指控从股票市场交易中获得内部信息,赚取了超过4500万美元的非法收益。Caroline Hepker在纽约报道。

Sri Lankan-born Raj Rajaratnam was for a time worth more than 1 billion dollars, a prominent hedge fund boss. But he has been accused of using well-placed contacts to cream corporate information that constitutes insider trading. The illegal tips supposedly relate to companies from IBM to Intel and Goldman Sachs. Mr Rajaratnam denies the accusations. Over 100 potential jurors in the case appeared in court on Tuesday. The trial could mark a major shake-up in the hedge fund industry.

斯里兰卡出生的拉杰·拉贾拉特南(Raj Rajaratnam)曾经的身家超过10亿美元,是一位赫赫有名的对冲基因老板。但是他被指控利用职权获得了公司信息,进行了内部交易。据称,这些非法交易涉及IBM,因特尔和高盛等公司。拉杰·拉贾拉特南(Raj Rajaratnam)否认了所有指控。该案件的100多位陪审员在周二出庭。这次审判意味着对冲基金行业的剧变。

World News from the BBC.

The world's biggest oil producer, Saudi Arabia, says world oil supplies remain sufficient to meet demands, despite the loss of production caused by the crisis in Libya.The Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi said rising oil prices were due mostly to speculation.

世界最大的石油生产国沙特阿拉伯表示,世界石油供应仍然足以满足需求,尽管利比亚危机导致石油产量降低。沙特石油部长纳伊米(Ali al-Naimi)表示,石油价格上涨主要是由于投机行为。

Direct talks to try to end one of Europe’s most intractable disputes are taking place between representatives of the Serbian and Kosovan governments. The negotiations in Brussels are the first between the two sides since Kosovo unilaterally broke away from Serbia three years ago. From Belgrade, Mark Lowen reports.

塞尔维亚和科索沃政府的代表之间正在进行直接对话,试图终止欧洲最棘手的争端。在布鲁塞尔举行的谈判是自三年前科索沃单方面从塞尔维亚分裂出来以来的首次对话。贝尔格莱德,Mark Lowen报道。

Belgrade rejects the declaration of independence of its cherished southern province, but for Kosovo, its independence status is final. Now, in an effort to break the deadlock, the European Union is leading the first direct talks between the parties in Brussels,using the incentive of an eventual EU membership to goad both sides towards ahistoric compromise. Solving the Kosovo conflicts will be a long and arduous process, and while neither side will change its position on the fundamental issue of independence, success in this dialogue will go some way towards helping both Serbia and Kosovo leave their troubled past behind and move towards their goal of European integration.


Some of Brazil’s biggest former football stars have played a match in Chechnya against a team captained by the controversial Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. Mr Kadyrov scored twice in the match in Grozny,but his team lost 6-4 to a Brazilian all-star selection, including Bebeto and Romario.

巴西一些最著名的足球明星在车臣参加了一场比赛,车臣队由有争议的车臣总统拉姆赞·卡德罗夫(Ramzan Kadyrov)担任队长。在格罗兹尼举行的比赛中,拉姆赞·卡德罗夫两次进球,但是面临巴西由贝贝托和罗马里奥等大牌明星组成的球队,仍然以4:6的比分失败。

French police have found 25 million dollars’worth of stolen jewellery hidden in a drain outside Paris. Detectives found 19 rings and three sets of earrings concealed in a plastic container set into a cement mould at a house outside the French capital. Investigators believe many of the items were stolen from the luxury Harry Winston boutique in Paris in a raid in 2008.

法国警方在巴黎城外一个排水管中发现了被藏匿起来的价值2500万美元的失窃珠宝。侦探在法国首都外一座房屋的水泥模具中发现了一个塑料袋,里面装有19枚戒指和三套耳环。调查人员相信,这些物品都是2008年海瑞温斯顿(Harry Winston)珠宝行失窃的物品。
