英语听力精选进阶版 7417(在线收听

President Obama's top intelligence adviser says he expects Colonel Gaddafi to win his battle to stay in power. The US director of national intelligence, James Clapper, told a Senate hearing that the Libyan leader's forces had better equipment and were better trained and would probably prevail over the long term. Mark Mardell reports from Washington.

奥巴马总统高级情报顾问表示,他预期卡扎菲上校将赢得继续执政的战斗的胜利。美国国家情报总监克拉珀(James Clapper)在参议院听证会上表示,利比亚领袖的力量拥有更好的装备,接受过更好的训练,在长期战斗中可能会获胜。Mark Mardell在华盛顿报道。

President Obama has said that Gaddafi should go, but now his top intelligence adviser has said the Libyan ruler will probably win his battle to stay in power. The director of national intelligence, Gen James Clapper, has told politicians on Capitol Hill that over time, in the longer term, Gaddafi will probably prevail because he has better trained and equipped troops. He added another possible outcome was the breakup of Libya into what he called three semi-autonomous mini states. He didn't answer questions from politicians who felt that meant imposing a no-fly zone was urgent.

奥巴马总统已经明确表示卡扎菲上校应该退位,但是现在,他的高级情报顾问却表示,这位利比亚统治者可能会赢得继续执政的战斗。国家情报总监克拉珀(James Clapper)在国会山告诉政客们,随着时间的过去,长期来看,卡扎菲可能会占优势,因为卡扎菲的军队装备精良,受过更好的训练。他补充说,另外一个可能的结果是,利比亚分裂为三个半自治的小国家。一些政客认为,这意味着对利比亚实施禁飞区非常迫切,但是克拉珀没有回答他们的问题。

Nato defence ministers have resisted calls for an air exclusion zone over Libya. The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has meanwhile said her main aim was to build momentum behind any action against Colonel Gaddafi.


"We are working to create an international consensus. You can see that there's a lot of ambivalence in the international community. People don't know what the opposition represents. They don't know the most effective way to try to, you know, get rid of Gaddafi. So everybody is working hard. We are internally in our own government looking at every option imaginable."


In Libya itself, rebels holding the eastern oil port of Ras Lanuf have come under heavy attack from Colonel Gaddafi's forces. Heavy fighting has also been reported further east in the rebel-held town of Brega, which has been bombed by government planes. The International Committee of the Red Cross has meanwhile said that Libya has now descended into civil war.


Police in an eastern province of Saudi Arabia have opened fire on a rally as protesters took to the streets to call for political reforms in the kingdom. Witnesses have reported gunfire in the city of Qatif, and there are reports of stun grenades being used on the demonstrators.


Representatives of Laurent Gbagbo, the Ivory Coast's leader who refuses to leave, have rejected an African Union proposal aimed at resolving the country's crisis. The plan was drawn up by a team of five African heads of state who were given the task of resolving the dispute. Will Ross reports.

拒绝退位的科特迪瓦总统巴博的代表拒绝了非洲联盟旨在解决该国危机的提议。该计划由非洲五位国家元首起草,他们被赋予解决争端的任务。Will Ross报道。

Mr Gbagbo boycotted this summit probably because leaving the country would be risky for the man seen by much of the international community as the illegitimate president of Ivory Coast. An official from his party suggested the AU would be responsible for pushing the country into civil war if it insisted on recognising Alassane Ouattara as the rightful president. The hardline position stated by Mr Gbagbo's team might push Africa's presidents towards favouring a power-sharing deal to try to prevent the slide into civil war.


World News from the BBC

Human Rights Watch has criticised Russia for allowing the Chechen authorities to introduce a compulsory Islamic dress code for women. The report details the testimonies of women who say they've been victims of intimidation. Here's Sam Wilson.

人权观察组织批评俄罗斯允许车臣当局强制女性着伊斯兰服装。该报告详细列举了声称自己是恐吓行为受害者的女性的证词。Sam Wilson报道。

The report highlights the story of a young woman walking down the street in the Chechen capital Grozny. Her hair is uncovered. A car pulls up, and she's shot in the chest with a paintball gun. Human Rights Watch says such attacks are part of what's been called a "virtue campaign", mounted with the explicit support of Chechnya's President Ramzan Kadyrov. It says few women now dare to step out without head scarves and long dresses. The campaign group says Russia's leaders have turned a blind eye, even though a religious dress code breaches the country's constitution.

该报告着重描写了在车臣首都格罗兹尼街头行走的一名年轻女子的遭遇。她并没有将头发遮起来。一辆汽车驶近时她的胸口被彩弹击中。人权观察组织表示,这样的袭击是所谓的“美德运动”的一部分,由于车臣总统拉姆赞·卡德罗夫(Ramzan Kadyrov)的明确支持而愈演愈烈。该报告称,现在几乎没有女性敢在不戴围巾或面纱的情况下出门。俄罗斯领袖对此视而不见,尽管宗教服饰违反国家宪法规定。

The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has accused the United States and the United Nations of conspiring to defame his government. He said criticism by the US and the UN drugs agency over Bolivia's handling of the war on drugs were part of a strategy to falsely link his government to drug trafficking. Mr Morales said the US was trying to force him to invite American anti-narcotics agents, which he expelled in 2008, back in the country.

玻利维亚总统莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)指控美国和联合国合谋诽谤他的政府。他表示,美国和联合国毒品机构对玻利维亚打击毒品活动的批评是陷害他的政府贩卖毒品的策略的一部分。莫拉莱斯表示,美国试图强迫他们邀请2008年被驱逐的美国反麻醉剂特工重回玻利维亚。

A controversial congressional hearing on the alleged radicalisation of the American Muslim community has opened amid tight security in Washington. The committee chairman Peter King defended the panel.

在安全形势异常紧张的情况下,关于美国穆斯林社会种族主义的有争议的国会听证会在华盛顿开始。该委员会主席Peter King为座谈小组辩护。

"Let me make it clear today that I remain convinced that these hearings must go forward and they will. To back down would be a craven surrender to political correctness and an abdication of what I believe to be the main responsibility of this committee - to protect America from a terrorist attack."


But a civil liberties group has compared the hearings to Senator Joseph McCarthy's witch-hunt against Communist sympathisers in the 1950s.
