美国小学英语教材3:第122课 灰姑娘(6)(在线收听

   The fairy then said to Cinderella, "Well, you now have a coach fit to go to the ball in. Are you not pleased with it?" 仙女跟灰姑娘说:好了,你现在有了一辆适合去参加舞会的马车,满意了吗?”

  Yes, yes! cried Cinderella. "But shall I go as I am, in these rags?" “满意,满意!”灰姑娘叫道,“但我要像这样穿得破破烂烂地去吗?”
  Then the fairy godmother touched Cinderella with her wand, 这时候,仙女教母用魔棒碰了碰灰姑娘,
  and the girl's ragged dress was turned into cloth of gold and silver, all shining with pearls and diamonds. 灰姑娘一身破烂的衣服变成了金银交织的衣服,衣服上镶满了闪闪发光的珍珠和宝石。
  On her feet was a wonderful pair of glass slippers. 她的脚上穿着一双神奇的水晶鞋。
  Cinderella climbed into the beautiful coach and sat down. 灰姑娘登上漂亮的马车,坐了下来。
  Never in her life had she been so happy! 她从来没有这么高兴过。
  Now, remember one thing, said her godmother; "do not stay after midnight. “现在、记住一件事情,”她的教母说,“不要待到午夜之后。
  For, when the clock strikes twelve, the coach will be turned to a pumpkin again, 因为时钟敲响12点的时候,马车就会变回南瓜,
  the horses will be turned to mice, the coachman will become a rat, the footmen will all be lizards, and your pretty clothes will become rags." 马匹和马夫就会变回老鼠,脚夫就会变回蜥蜴,而你漂亮的衣服也会变回破烂不堪的衣服。”
  Cinderella promised that she would surely leave the ball before midnight. 灰姑娘答应说她一定会在午夜之前离开舞会。
  Then she said good-by and drove joyfully away in the wonderful coach.  她跟仙女道了别,乘着漂亮的马车高高兴兴地离开了。