美国小学英语教材3:第123课 灰姑娘(7)(在线收听

   Cinderella at the Ball 出席舞会的灰姑娘

  When Cinderella reached the palace, the king's son was told that a princess whom no one knew had come to the ball. 灰姑娘刚到王宫,就有人告诉王子有位大家都不认识的公主来到了舞会。
  As she stepped from the coach, he ran out to meet her and led her into the great ball-room.  正当她从马车下来的时候,王子跑出来迎接她并带着她进入了宏伟的舞厅。
  At once everyone stopped dancing. 刹那间,所有人都停止了跳舞,
  And nothing was heard in the room but many voices saying, "Oh! how beautiful she is! Oh! how beautiful she is!" 除了一片称赞声,再没有别的声音,人们纷纷说,“啊!她好漂亮啊!啊!她好漂亮啊!”
  The king himself could not keep his eyes away from her, and the queen said, "It has been a long time since I have seen so lovely a girl." 国王也不禁盯着她看。王后说:“我好久没看到过这么可爱的姑娘了。”
  All the ladies at the ball began to look carefully at the clothes of the beautiful princess, so that they might have some made just like them.  舞会上的女士们都仔细地观看这位美丽公主的衣服,以便她们能仿做几件相似的衣服
  The king's son led Cinderella to the seat beside his own, and afterwards took her out to dance with him. 王子领着灰姑娘坐在自己的身边,后来又带着她出来跳舞。
  So beautifully did she dance that everyone looked at her more and more. 她的舞姿非常优雅,所有的人都被她所吸引住了。
  When the great supper was served, the young prince could not eat. 丰盛的晚餐上来的时候,年轻的王子一点儿也没有吃。
  He did nothing but bring cakes and fruit to the princess whom nobody knew, and sit looking at her lovely face.  他只是拿了些糕点和水果给这位没有人认识的公主,并坐在她身边,看着她可爱的面庞。