美国小学英语教材3:第126课 灰姑娘(10)(在线收听

   The prince ran after her, but he could not catch up with her. 王子在后面追着她,但是他赶不上灰姑娘。

  As she ran, one of her glass slippers fell off, and the prince picked it up carefully.  灰姑娘跑的时候,她的一只水晶鞋掉了,王子小心地把水晶鞋拾了起来。
  The young girl had to run all the way home. 年轻的姑娘不得不一路跑着回家。
  For, as the clock began to strike twelve, the coach turned back again to a pumpkin, just as it had done the night before. 因为当时钟敲响12点的时候,马车就像之前的那个晚上一样变回了南瓜。
  Cinderella had nothing left of all her fine clothes except one of the little glass slippers.  灰姑娘漂亮的衣服也没有了,只剩下了一只小小的水晶鞋。
  When her sisters came home from the ball, Cinderella asked them if the unknown princess had been there again. 灰姑娘的姐姐们从舞会回来的时候,灰姑娘问她们无名公主是不是又去了。
  "Yes," replied Charlotte, "but she hurried away so fast when the clock struck twelve that she dropped one of her little glass slippers. “去了。”夏洛特说,“但当时钟敲响12点的时候,她匆匆忙忙地跑了,把一只小小的水晶鞋都跑掉了。
  The king's son picked it up and took it into the palace." 王子捡起水晶鞋,把它带回了王宫。
  A few days afterwards the prince sent out a messenger, who called to all the people, 几天后,王子派出了一名使者昭告天下说:
  "The king's son will marry the maiden whose foot the little glass slipper fits!" “哪位少女的脚能刚好穿上这只小水晶鞋,王子就娶她!”
  The messenger tried the slipper on all the ladies of the king's palace; but it was too small for them. 使者让所有在王宫里的女士试了试这只水晶鞋,但是这鞋对她们来说太小了。
  He brought it to the two sisters, but it was too small for them, too. 他把鞋拿给灰姑娘的两个姐姐试穿,但是对她们来说鞋也很小。
  Then Cinderella said, "Let me try it on." 这时,灰姑娘说:“让我试试吧。”
  Her sisters laughed at her, but the messenger looked at the young girl, for he saw that she was very beautiful. 她的姐姐们在一旁嘲笑她,但是使者盯着这位年轻的女孩,因为他看到她非常漂亮。