美国小学英语教材3:第127课 灰姑娘(11)(在线收听

   "Try it on, fair maiden," he said. "Every lady may try on the slipper." 于是,他说:“试试吧,美丽的女孩。每个女士都可以试试这只鞋子。”

  So Cinderella sat down and put the slipper on her foot. 于是灰姑娘坐下来,穿上了鞋子。
  How surprised her sisters were when they saw that it just fitted! 她的姐姐们看到鞋子正好和她的脚相吻合的时候,她们都惊呆了!
  Their surprise was still greater when Cinderella brought out the other slipper and put it on, also.  但更让她们惊讶的是,灰姑娘拿出了另一只鞋子也穿在了脚上。
  That very moment the fairy godmother appeared and touched Cinderella with her magic wand. 就在这时,仙女教母出现了,她用魔棒点了一下灰姑娘。
  At once the young girl was even more beautifully dressed than when she had gone to the ball.  年轻的女孩立刻比之前去舞会的时候穿得更加漂亮了。
  Now her sisters knew that Cinderella was the unknown princess whom they had seen at the palace. 现在,她的姐姐们知道了灰姑娘就是她们在王宫里见到的那位无名公主。
  Throwing themselves at her feet, they begged her pardon for all the unkind things they had done. 她们扑在她的脚下,乞求她原谅她们所有不友善的行为。
  Cinderella lifted them up and put her arms around them. 灰姑娘把她们扶了起来,搂住她们。
  With all her heart she forgave them and begged them to love her always.  她真心地原谅了她们,恳求她们永远爱她。
  Then the messenger led her to the young prince, who thought her more lovely than ever. 接着,使者带着她去见了年轻的王子,王子觉得她比之前更可爱了。
  A few days later, the king's son and the beautiful maiden were married. 几天后,王子和这位美丽的少女结婚了。
  Cinderella, who was as good as she was beautiful, gave her two sisters a home in the palace, where they lived very happily.  漂亮善良的灰姑娘在王宫里给她的两个姐姐安了一个家,她们在那里非常幸福地生活。