英语听力精选进阶版 7421(在线收听

Japan has asked for international help as it battles to cool nuclear reactors at a power station damaged in Friday's earthquake and tsunami. Nuclear regulators in the United States say they've been asked to provide water and other resources to the Fukushima plant. The head of the United Nations nuclear agency, Yukiya Amano, said the IAEA has also been asked for help. Kerry Skyring reports from Vienna.

日本呼吁国际社会提供帮助,冷却周五的地震和海啸中受损的核电站的反应堆。美国核问题调控人员表示,他们收到向福岛核电站提供水和其他资源的请求。联合国原子能机构总干事天野之弥(Yukiya Amano)表示,IAEA也已经收到求助。Kerry Skyring在维也纳报道。

Yukiya Amano gives a reassuring assessment of Japan's handling of its nuclear crisis. The plants have been shaken, flooded and cut off from electricity, he says, and their workers have suffered personal tragedies. But despite all that, the reactor vessels have held, and radioactive release is limited. He does not believe that will resemble the disaster at Chernobyl 25 years ago. Responding to criticism that his agency was slow to provide information to the public, he said he will not try to second-guess the people on the ground. He described the events of the last few days as "truly unprecedented".

天野之弥(Yukiya Amano)对日本应对核危机的问题做了令人安心的评估。他说,核电站遭受了地震,洪水和断电,工人们也遭遇了个人灾难。但是尽管发生了这一切不幸,反应堆外壳并没有破裂,放射性物质的泄漏也非常有限。他不相信25年前切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)核电站的悲剧会重演。有人批评国际原子能机构未及时向公众提供相关信息,他做出回应称,他不想对现场的人们做事后的劝告。他称过去几天的事件确实是“前所未有的”。

Millions of people in the affected areas of Japan's northeast are spending a fourth night without water, food, electricity or gas. The Kyoto news agency says more than 500,000 people have been left homeless by the earthquake andtsunami. Communications networks are still down in many areas.


About 2,000 bodies were found washed ashore along the coastline on Monday, and aftershocks continue to be felt regularly in Japan. Relief workers, soldiers and police have been deployed to the disaster zone, including the port city of Sendai, where a clean-up operation is getting underway. From there, our reporter Nick Ravenscroft.

周一,大约2,000具尸体被冲刷到海岸,余震仍然不断。政府已经派遣救援人员,士兵和警察前往受灾地区,包括港口城市仙台,那里现在正进行清理工作。我们的记者Nick Ravenscroft报道。

Crushed together, piled into improbable stacks, stuck in fields or poking out of ditches, thousands of cars still lie where the surge of water left them. Each has to be checked by the rescuers in case there's a body inside. There have been reports that in some areas, the teams have been running out of bags to put corpses in. Away from the area which was inundated by the tsunami, the queues outside shops remain, and the shelves inside are still largely empty. It's difficult for lorries to get through with deliveries given the disruption to the transport network.


The crisis in Japan has led to growing international concern about the safety of nuclear power. Germany, Switzerland and India are among those who've promised to reassess safety issues. Here's Maddy Savage.

日本的核危机引发国际社会对核安全的担忧。德国,瑞士和印度都已经承诺重新评估安全性能。Maddy Savage报道。

Germany was one of the first countries to announce a change in direction. All German nuclear plants will now be checked for safety, and recent plans to extend their lifespans have been put on hold for three months. The Swiss government said that no new plants would be approved there until more is known about what caused the accident in Japan, and India also argued for a renewed focus on safety standards.


Turkey says it's pressing ahead with plans for two new nuclear plants, including one that might use Japanese technology.


World News from the BBC

Arab Gulf states have sent security forces into neighbouring Bahrain to help the ruling family there deal with the growing Shia-led protest movement. The deployment is part of a regional cooperation agreement. James Robbins reports.

海湾阿拉伯国家向邻国巴林派遣了安全力量,帮助执政的皇室应对什叶派领导的不断扩大的抗议活动。这次人员派遣是区域合作协议的一部分。James Robbins报道。

Witnesses have described seeing about 150 Saudi Arabian armoured troop carriers and other vehicles entering Bahrain over the causeway that links the two Gulf kingdoms. A Saudi official said about 1,000 troops had been deployed. This is the first time that any Arab government has called for outside military help during the current wave of protests sweeping the region.


Bahrain's Shia Muslim majority has long complained of discrimination and dominance by the Sunni minority, including the ruling royal family. Bahrain's predominantly Sunni neighbours are clearly nervous about their own position.


Opposition forces in Libya say they have come under heavy attack by troops loyal to Colonel Gaddafi in the key eastern town of Ajdabiya. The town is the last big population centre before the main rebel city Benghazi. The latest fighting comes after the opposition said its fighters had pushed back government soldiers who captured the oil town of Brega on Sunday.


The French car maker Renault has apologised to three senior managers it sacked after wrongly accusing them of industrial espionage. Hugh Schofield reports from Paris.

法国汽车制造商雷诺错误地指控三名高级经理从事商业间谍活动而将他们解雇,现在向这三人道歉。Hugh Schofield在巴黎报道。

In January amid much media fanfare, Renault sacked three senior executives, all of whom worked on the company's much wanted and soon-to-be-launched electric cars after claiming to have evidence that they'd given away secrets about the programme in return for large sums of money. Over the last few weeks, Renault's management had been repeatedly asked to produce the evidence against the men. Their failure to do so aroused growing suspicions that the whole scandal has been a put-up job, and that has now dramatically been confirmed.


Renault's chief executive Carlos Ghosn said he'd refused an offer by his deputy to resign over the scandal.

雷诺CEO戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)表示,丑闻过后,他拒绝了一位副手辞职的请求。
