美国小学英语教材4:第120课 罗布的第一只黑鲸(2)(在线收听

   The fish are captured in a strange way. 捕获黑鲸的方式很奇怪。

  They, often swim in great schools along the top of the water very near the shore. 黑鲸经常成群结队地在近岸边游泳。
  At such times the fishermen row in boats just outside the school. 这种时候,渔民们就在外围划船。
  Then the frightened fish, trying to escape the boats, 然后受惊的黑鲸,试图逃离船,
  will sometimes swim into very shallow water, where they are helpless and can easily be killed. 有时会游到浅水区,黑鲸在浅水区无能为力,很容易被杀死。
  This way of getting the fish upon the beach is called a "drive." 这种把鱼弄到海滩上的方法叫做“推鱼”。
  Last year, Charlie had helped in the drive, but Rob was too young. 去年,查理在“推鱼”时帮过忙,但罗布年纪太小。
  He had only watched it from the shore with the women and children. 只是在岸上和妇女孩子们一起看着。
  This year he hoped to take part in the drive himself if any fish came. 今年,如果有黑鲸来,罗布希望自己也能参加。
  But now spring had gone by, and as yet there had been no sign of the blackfish. 但是现在春天已经过去了,还未见黑鲸的踪影。
  One morning, about a week later, Rob was at work in the garden back of his mother's house, when he heard a shout from the shore. 大约一个星期后的一天早上,罗布正在妈妈家里的后花园干活,这时他听到岸上传来一声喊叫。
  He listened a moment. "B-l-a-c-k-fish! B-l-a-c-k-fish!" was the cry. 他听了一会儿,叫着“黑鲸!黑鲸!”
  Again and again other voices took it up, until the welcome news was spread all over the village. 声音此起彼伏,直至好消息传遍了整个村子。
  Rob dropped his hoe and ran to the gate. 罗布扔下锄头,跑到大门口。
  Captain Jim, the best fisherman in the place, was just hurrying past. 吉姆船长是这地方的神钓手,他正匆匆走过。
  "Can I go, Cap'n Jim?" he cried. “我可以去吗,吉姆船长?”罗布叫道。
  "Yes, Rob, there's a place in my boat. Run in and tell your mother, and don't waste any time. “可以,罗布,船上有地儿,快点,告诉你妈妈,不要浪费时间,
  The boats are starting already." 船要开了。”