英语听力精选进阶版 7431(在线收听

The West African regional body Ecowas has called on the United Nations Security Council to strengthen the mandate of UN peacekeepers in Ivory Coast. Ecowas said the UN soldiers should be authorised to use all necessary means to ensure power was transferred to Alassane Ouattara, the man widely recognised as the winner of last year's presidential election. John James is in Bouake.

西非区域组织Ecowas(西非国家经济共同体)呼吁联合国安理会增加对联合国驻科特迪瓦维和部队的授权。Ecowas表示,联合国士兵应该被授权采取一切必须的措施,以确保权力移交给国际社会公认的去年总统选举的获胜者瓦塔拉(Alassane Ouattara)。John James在博瓦海报道。

Leaders in the region are getting increasingly frustrated at Laurent Gbagbo's refusal to step down despite calls by the Ecowas region, by the African Union and many other bodies that have looked into the election. And really many people fear now that force is the last resort and the only resort to get Laurent Gbagbo to leave power, especially given the prospect of a civil war which seems to be happening on the ground here. A lot of violence is in Abidjan, which is the main city, and there we've seen urban fighting between fighters loyal to both sides, and also attacks on civilians, the shelling of civilian areas.

尽管Ecowas,非洲联盟和许多其他监督了选举过程的组织一再要求,巴博(Laurent Gbagbo)仍然拒绝退位。该地区的领袖们越来越沮丧。现在,许多人担忧武力是使巴博退位的最后的途径,尤其是,现场现在似乎已经出现了即将爆发内战的景象。主要城市阿比让发生了许多暴力活动,我们在都市看到双方战士之间的战斗,以及对平民的袭击,对平民地区的炮击。

Syrian television reports say that President Assad has ordered the release of all people detained during recent unrest. The move came soon after the Syrian government said it would examine ways to meet the legitimate demands of people in the city of Deraa, where at least 25 protesters were shot dead by security forces on Wednesday. Lina Sinjab reports from Damascus.

叙利亚电视台报道称,阿萨德总统已经下令释放所有在最近的动荡中被捕的人。周三在德拉发生的冲突中,至少25名抗议者被安全力量枪杀。叙利亚政府称他们将会寻找满足民众合法要求的方法,随后宣布释放被捕者。Lina Sinjab在大马士革报道。

The announcement came as a surprise to many observers here. Political activists were not expecting a revision of state emergency laws that have been in effect since 1963. Soon after the press conference, some political activists who were arrested in recent days were released. The president's adviser confessed that mistakes were made in Deraa, but said they weren't the responsibility of the leadership. She denied reports that security forces attacked protesters in the city.


The United Nations human rights committee says it believes hundreds of people have disappeared in Libya over the past few months in what may amount to crimes against humanity. The committee said it had received credible reports of demonstrators and army members who refused to fire on crowds being detained. Imogen Foulkes reports from Geneva.

联合国人权理事会表示,他们相信,在过去的几个月,利比亚数百人失踪,这可能是由于违反人权的犯罪行为。人权理事会表示,他们收到了可信报道称,示威者和拒绝向人群开枪的军人被拘留。Imogen Foulkes在日内瓦报道。

In the last two to three months, the committee says the number of reported disappearances has increased enormously and now stands in the hundreds. In most cases, the fate of the disappeared, many of whom were reportedly opponents of the Libyan government or members of the armed forces who refused to fire on protesters, remains unknown. But the UN fears they may have been tortured or even executed.


Libyan state television meanwhile has been showing footage of what it says are funerals of those killed in coalition air raids.


The former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma has been charged with abuse of power over the murder of the investigative journalist Georgiy Gongadze. The journalist's headless body was found 11 years ago in a forest outside Kiev. Mr Kuchma denies involvement.

乌克兰前总统列昴尼德·库奇马(Leonid Kuchma)被控滥用职权,谋杀了从事调查工作的记者格奥尔基·贡加泽(Georgy Gongadze)。11年前,人们在基辅城外一个森林中发现了这位记者的无头尸体。库奇马否认自己参与了该案件。

World News from the BBC

The British energy company BP has again been blocked from proceeding with a proposed joint venture with the Russian company Rosneft. An arbitration tribunal in Sweden has upheld a freeze on the tie-up that would have seen the two companies jointly develop new oil fields in the Russian Arctic region. Russian investors said they should have been consulted on the deal with the state-owned Rosneft.


A European Union summit is taking place in Brussels a day after the collapse of the Portuguese government raised the prospect of another crisis within the eurozone. Leaders will consider how to expand bailout funding for countries using the euro that get into financial difficulties. Here's Andrew Walker.

葡萄牙政府的崩溃引发了人们对欧元区内部爆发另一场危机的担忧。一天之后,欧盟在布鲁塞尔召开峰会。各国领袖商讨了怎样对陷入财政困难的欧元区国家增加救助资金的方法。Andrew Walker报道。

The summit was supposed to rubber-stamp a package of measures to settle the tension affecting the euro area, but developments in Portugal have cast a shadow. The government has been struggling to gain control of its own financial situation, but now parliament has voted against austerity proposals, the government has resigned and a leading credit rating agency has downgraded its assessment of the government's debt. It'll now be even harder for Portugal to avoid the path taken by Ireland and Greece with emergency loans from Europe and the IMF.


Many of Mexico's leading media organisations have agreed common guidelines on how to cover the drug-related violence that's sweeping the country. Newspapers and broadcasters agreed not to glorify drug traffickers, publish cartel propaganda or endanger police and military operations. The accord promises joint action to protect journalists, at least 20 of whom have been killed by the cartels since 2006.


The aviation authorities in the United States are investigating whether an air traffic controller fell asleep at Reagan National Airport near Washington as two planes attempted to land. One pilot said he made several attempts to contact the only controller on duty and had to abort his landing during the final approach. Both jets eventually landed safely.

