美国语文第六册 第93期:教师和生病的学者(3)(在线收听

   If the master did chance to rouse himself, and seem alive to what was going on, 要是老师猛然醒悟过来,觉察到他们在做什么的话,

  the noise subsided for a moment, and no eye met his but wore a studious and deeply humble look; 嘈杂声便立刻沉下去,他所碰到的目光全都流露出一种很用功和十分谦逊的神情。
  but the instant he relapsed again, it broke out afresh, and ten times louder than before. 但是,待他一恢复原状,嘈杂声又重新爆起,比以前高了十倍。
  Oh! how some of those idle fellows longed to be outside, and how they looked at the open door and window, 啊,这些懒家伙多想遛到外面去啊!他们心急如焚地注视着敞开着的门窗,
  as if they half meditated rushing violently out, plunging into the woods, and being wild boys and savages from that time forth. 仿佛他们在盘算猛然冲出去,跑到树林子里,从此就会变成野孩子和野蛮人似的。
  What rebellious thoughts of the cool river, and some shady bathing place, beneath willow trees with branches dipping in the water, 一想到那清凉的河水,还有垂到水面上的细柳庇荫能洗澡的大池子,他们便心猿意马了。
  kept tempting and urging that sturdy boy, who, with his shirt collar unbuttoned, and flung back as far as it could go, 那个强壮的男孩子更是心急难耐,他的衬衫领扣敞开着,好像马上就要脱掉的样子,
  sat fanning his flushed face with a spelling book, wishing himself a whale, 坐在那里不停地用一本拼音读本扇着涨红的脸,心想自己要是能变成一条鲸鱼多好啊,
  or a minnow, or a fly, or anything but a boy at school, on that hot, broiling day. 哪怕是一条小鱼也好啊,一只苍蝇也行,不论什么都好,只要不是待在学校里动也动不了,忍受酷暑的煎熬。
  Heat! ask that other boy, whose seat being nearest to the door, gave him opportunities of gliding out into the garden, 天儿太热了!这可以问问那个坐在门口的学生,他的座位离门口最近,使他有机会溜到花园去,
  and driving his companions to madness, by dipping his face into the bucket of the well, and then rolling on the grass,—ask him if there was ever such a day as that, 待他把脸浸到盛满井水的桶里,然后在草地上舒舒服服打个滚儿回来,简直快把他的伙伴们气得发疯了。