美国语文第六册 第96期:教师和生病的学者(6)(在线收听

   But there was the sun shining and there were birds singing, as the sun only shines and the birds only sing on holidays and half holidays; 这时,阳光还是那样明媚,小鸟还在唧唧喳喳地歌唱,仿佛阳光只是在假日才明媚,小鸟只是在假日才放开歌喉似的;

  and there were the trees waving to all free boys to climb, and nestle among their leafy branches; 树木也向无忧无虑的孩子们招手,要他们爬上去,依偎它们浓密繁茂的枝头;
  the hay, entreating them to come and scatter it to the pure air; the green corn, gently beckoning toward wood and stream; 干草堆恳求他们走到近前,在清新纯净的空气将其摊开;绿油油的稻谷温柔地向树林和小溪示意;
  the smooth ground, rendered smoother still by blending lights and shadows, inviting to runs and leaps, and long walks, nobody knows whither. 笼罩着光与影的大地显得更加光滑平整,邀请他们到上面跑、跳或漫步呢,没有人晓得自己要去哪里。
  It was more than boy could bear, and with a joyous whoop, the whole cluster took to their heels, and spread themselves about, shouting and laughing as they went. 既然如此,还有哪个男孩子能够保持矜持,随着一声高喊,这一群人撒腿便跑,向四面八方散开,一边跑还一边叫着,快活地大笑着。
  " 'T is natural, thank Heaven!" said the poor schoolmaster, looking after them, "I am very glad they didn't mind me." “这是再自然不过的事情,感谢上帝!”可怜的教师说,目送着他们走远。“我很高兴他们没把我的话放在心上。”
  Toward night, the schoolmaster walked over to the cottage where his little friend lay sick. 傍晚时分,教师来到一个农舍前,屋子里面他的那位小朋友卧病在床。
  Knocking gently at the cottage door, it was opened without loss of time. 教师轻轻地敲了敲门,门马上就开了。
  He entered a room where a group of women were gathered about one who was wringing her hands and crying bitterly. 他走进一间屋子,里面一小堆妇女围绕着一个比他们年龄稍长的人,她哭得很惨,坐在椅子上吻她的手,前仰后合地摇动着。
  "O dame!" said the schoolmaster, drawing near her chair, "is it so bad as this?" “啊,婆婆!”教师说着,走近她的座椅,“怎么糟到这种程度了?”