英语听力精选进阶版 7459(在线收听

The governing party in Yemen has accepted in full a proposal by Gulf Arab states aimed at resolving the country's political crisis. According to the proposal, President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who's faced months of street protests demanding his immediate resignation, will hand over power to his deputy. Here's Lina Sinjab.

也门执政党全盘接受了海湾阿拉伯国家提出的旨在解决该国政治危机的提议。根据该提议,几个月来面临民众的抗议,要求他立即下台的萨利赫(Ali Abdullah Saleh)总统将把权力移交给他的副手。Lina Sinjab报道。

The proposal would see President Saleh transfer power to his vice president within a month of an agreement with the opposition to grant him immunity from prosecution. A transitional national unity government would be formed including both the opposition and President Saleh's party. Fresh elections would then be held. The opposition have not given a clear response to the proposal. They say they welcome the initiative by the Gulf states to end Yemen's political crisis but seem reluctant to serve in a government with the ruling party.


The United States urged President Saleh to immediately begin the peaceful transfer of power.


Activists in Syria say more than 100 people have been killed by the security forces in the past two days. Shooting of mourners attending the funerals of those killed in Friday's massive protests has been reported in several cities, including the capital Damascus. Owen Bennett-Jones reports.

叙利亚活动积极分子表示,过去两天共有100多人被安全力量杀害。几个城市报道称参加在周五的大规模抗议中遇难的人的葬礼的悼念者被枪击,包括首都大马士革在内。Owen Bennett-Jones报道。

"We want the fall of the regime." That was the chant from the mourners at a funeral in a Damascus suburb today. The security forces responded by firing live ammunition. There was panic as people looked for cover and tried to get away. In the southern city of Deraa, where the protests began five weeks ago, security personnel opened fire on a column of mourners trying to reach some funerals. Five people were killed.


In Deraa, where some of the worst violence has taken place, two members of the Syrian parliament and a top government-appointed cleric have said they are resigning in protest at the bloodshed in their country.


The United States says it has carried out its first attack in Libya, using an unmanned drone aircraft. Nato says the attack destroyed a government rocket launcher near the rebel-held city of Misrata. Here's Peter Biles.

美国表示,他们使用无人机在利比亚发动了首次袭击。北约表示,这次袭击摧毁了叛军控制的城市米苏拉塔附近政府的一个火箭发射器。Peter Biles报道。

The picture of what's happening in the besieged city of Misrata remains unclear. Libya's deputy foreign minister has said the local tribes around Misrata might have to deal with the rebellion instead of the army. That could explain unconfirmed reports that government troops have begun to withdraw. But a lot could hinge on the loyalty of the different tribes. One source here in Benghazi with close connections to Misrata said all the tribes there were fighting against Colonel Gaddafi's army.


Thousands of people in Peshawar in northwest Pakistan have begun a two-day protest against US drone attacks there. The large-scale demonstrations have forced Nato supply trucks to stop crossing into Afghanistan. The opposition politician Imran Khan is one of the main organisers of the protest, which he plans to address on Sunday.

巴基斯坦西北部白沙瓦数千人开始了为期两天的抗议活动,反对美国无人机在那里发动的袭击。大规模的示威活动迫使北约运送补给物资的卡车停止进入阿富汗。反对派政客Imran Khan是这次抗议活动的主要组织者之一。他计划于周日发表讲话。

BBC News

A British woman who was accidentally dropped into the sea off Norway while being taken off a cruise ship last month has died in hospital in England. Janet Richardson, who was 73, fell ill on a Scandinavian cruise and was being transferred to another boat when the Norwegian Coastguard let her stretcher drop into the sea by a mistake. She spent eight minutes in the freezing waters of the Arctic Ocean before being rescued.

上月从一艘游艇上意外落入挪威海域的英国女子在英格兰一家医院去世。73岁的Janet Richardson在斯堪的那维亚游艇上生病,被转移到另外一艘船只上,但是挪威海岸卫队不小心将她的担架跌落海中。她在寒冷的北冰洋中被淹了八分钟才获救。

Italian police say they've arrested a mafia boss in the Puglia region of southern Italy. Police accuse 38-year-old Francesco Campana of heading the United Sacred Crown crime organisation. Duncan Kennedy sent this report from Rome.

意大利警方表示,他们在意大利南部普利亚地区逮捕了一名黑手党头目。警方指控38岁的rancesco Campana是犯罪团伙United Sacred Crown的头目。Duncan Kennedy从罗马发回报道。

Campana, who's 38, had already been sentenced to nine years in jail for his mob activities. He was found in hiding in the town of Oria, near Brindisi. His gang is smaller than other mafias like the Cosa Nostra or the 'Ndrangheta, and it's thought to specialise in smuggling operations from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Italy's Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said the capture of Campana was a big blow against his organisation.

38岁的Campana已经因暴乱活动被判处九年的监禁。他被发现藏匿在Brindisi附近的小镇Oria。他的犯罪团伙规模小于其他黑手党组织,例如Cosa Nostra或the 'Ndrangheta,主要负责从巴尔干半岛和东欧的走私活动。意大利内政部长马洛尼(Roberto Maroni)表示,Campana的被捕对他的犯罪团伙是一个很大的打击。

Officials in Nepal say there's been a healthy increase in the population of the endangered one-horned rhinoceros. The results of a new census suggest that there are now more than 530 rhinos, many of them young. That's an increase of almost 100 compared with the last census three years ago. Conservationists welcome the news, saying it reflected better protection measures. The one-horned rhino now found only in India and Nepal is endangered as its survival threatened by shrinking habitats and poaching.


And the electronics company Sony has announced the death of the man credited with developing the compact disc, Norio Ohga. Sony says Mr Ohga died in the Japanese capital Tokyo from multiple organ failure. He was 81. The company said Mr Ohga's foresight and vision had transformed Sony into a global entertainment leader. He'd formerly worked as the company's president.

电子公司索尼宣布研制激光唱片的大贺典雄(Norio Ohga)去世。索尼表示,大贺典雄因多脏器衰竭在首都东京去世,享年81岁。该公司表示,大贺典雄的眼光和远见引领索尼公司成为全球娱乐行业引导者。他以前曾经担任索尼公司总裁。
