英语听力精选进阶版 7460(在线收听

Thousands of anti-government protesters in the Yemeni capital Sanaa say they don't trust President Ali Abdullah Saleh to keep his promise to step down. Mr Saleh agreed on Saturday to hand over power to his deputy within 30 days, but the protesters say he must go immediately. Earlier, the president told the BBC that al-Qaeda had infiltrated the opposition. From Sanaa, Lina Sinjab reports.

也门首都数千名反政府抗议者表示,他们不相信总统萨利赫会遵守诺言辞职。周六,萨利赫同意三十天内将权力移交给副总统。但是抗议者表示他必须立即下台。此前,萨利赫总统告诉BBC,基地组织已经渗透到反对派内部。萨那,Lina Sinjab报道。

The opposition denied the president's allegation. Young Yemenis have been camping out in the country's capital, demanding democratic change for a month. They are not ready to accept any deal with a president they distrust and are demanding his immediate departure. Young Yemeni activists say they are already planning to increase the number of demonstrations. It doesn't look as if Yemen's political crisis will end soon.


Reports from Syria say security forces have once again opened fire on demonstrators, killing at least one person in the northwestern coastal town of Jabla. Syrian authorities are preventing international journalists from entering the country. Owen Bennett-Jones reports from neighbouring Lebanon.

来自叙利亚的报道称,安全力量再次向示威者开火,造成西北部海岸城镇Jabla至少1人死亡。叙利亚当局组织国际社会记者入境。Owen Bennett-Jones在邻国黎巴嫩报道。

The latest video footage to come out of Syria shows continuing violence but with fewer people on the streets, and sometimes there are armed men in civilian clothing, sometimes walking alongside uniformed security personnel. Today's violence follows the detention of people across Syria suspected of organising the protests. The official news agency has also been giving its account of what's been happening. It says five security personnel were killed by armed criminal gangs and 38 policemen injured in Saturday's violence.


There are reports of further fighting in the Libyan city of Misrata, which has been under siege from forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi. A British newspaper journalist in the city told the BBC he had heard sporadic explosions and automatic gunfire during the day. He said it appeared that rebel forces had taken over three of the four locations that Colonel Gaddafi's troops had been holding inside the city.


A Libyan rebel leader says Kuwait has promised to give the rebels $180m in aid as they continue their fight against Colonel Gaddafi's forces. Peter Biles has more.

利比亚叛军一名领袖表示,科威特承诺为他们提供1.8亿美元的援助,帮助他们继续对抗卡扎菲上校的力量。Peter Biles报道更详细内容。

Kuwait has stopped short of officially recognising Libya's opposition, but this is a major financial contribution. The head of the Transitional National Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, said the money was needed in part to pay salaries in eastern Libya. The opposition has been trying to get access to foreign exchange reserves since the uprising began in February. Last week, the US Senator John McCain visited Benghazi and called for Colonel Gaddafi's frozen assets abroad to be released to the opposition.

科威特还没有正式认可利比亚反对派,但是这是一笔重要的经济捐赠。过渡国民委员会负责人穆斯塔法·阿卜杜勒·加里尔(Mustafa Abdel-Jalil)表示,这笔资金部分将用于支付利比亚东部的薪资。自二月份叛乱活动开始以来,反对派一直试图获得外汇储备。上周,美国参议员麦凯恩访问班加西,呼吁将卡扎菲上校海外被冻结的资产转给反对派。

A human rights group in Nigeria says more than 500 people died following the presidential elections earlier this month. The Civil Rights Congress said the violence happened mostly in Kaduna state, in the north of the country, and the number of victims could be even higher.

尼日利亚一个人权组织表示,本月初总统选举过后已有超过500人死亡。民权大会(Civil Rights Congress)表示,暴力活动主要发生在北部的卡杜纳,遇难者的数量可能会更高。

World News from the BBC

The former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is to be transferred to a prison hospital in Cairo after a doctor declared him well enough to travel. The order came from Egypt's public prosecutor. From Cairo, here's Jonathan Head.

一名医生宣布,埃及前总统穆巴拉克健康状况良好,可以进行旅行,因此,他将被转移到开罗监狱医院。该命令来自埃及公共检察长。开罗,Jonathan Head报道。

For the past two weeks, Hosni Mubarak has been concealed in a private hospital wing in Sharm el-Sheikh, hoping to avoid the fate of his two sons, Gamal and Alaa. But the public prosecutor says the former president is now fit enough to be transferred to Tora prison in Cairo, where his sons are being held. There, Mr Mubarak will face questioning over allegations of corruption, including charges that his government supplied gas to Israel at below market prices. He will also be questioned about his role in ordering the violent response to anti-government protests this year, in which more than 800 people died.


French officials have sought to downplay reports that Paris is considering the suspension of the Schengen Agreement, which abolished border controls between participating European Union countries. A special adviser to President Sarkozy said what France was looking for was the revision of certain parts of the treaty and stressed that even that could take place only as part of an EU-wide deal. France has accused Italy of abusing the accord by granting temporary visas to North African migrants arriving on the Italian island of Lampedusa.


The Crown Prince of Bahrain has informed the British royal family that he won't attend the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton this week because of ongoing unrest in Bahrain. Peter Hunt has more.

巴林王储通知英国皇室,由于国内的持续动乱,他不能参加本周举行的威廉王子和米德尔顿的婚礼。Peter Hunt报道更详细内容。

Bahrain's Crown Prince clearly hoped things would quieten down in his backyard. They haven't. There's been an ongoing security clampdown, and doctors have been arrested. Despite this, only yesterday, the Crown Prince was definitely coming to the wedding. Twenty-four hours later and after who knows what sort of diplomatic pressure which might have been applied behind the scenes, Prince Salman has, with deep regret, now pulled out of Friday's celebrations in order clearly not to overshadow the occasion.

