英语听力精选进阶版 7471(在线收听

Senior United States intelligence officials have for the first time said that Osama Bin Laden was in active control of al-Qaeda right up to his death in the American raid on his compound in Pakistan. The officials said the raid yielded the biggest collection of intelligence ever obtained from a single terrorism suspect. Videos seized during the raid which the Americans have just released show him delivering a video message to the American people and watching himself on television. Our security correspondent Frank Gardner reports.

美国高级情报官员首次表示,本·拉登一直积极控制着基地组织,直到美国袭击巴基斯坦住宅时将其击毙。官员们表示,这次袭击获得的情报资料是从单个恐怖主义嫌疑人那里获得的最多的。美国刚刚发布的突击期间拍摄的视频资料显示,本·拉登向美国人民传达了视频信息,并且自己在电视上观看。我们的安全通讯员Frank Gardner报道。

The really interesting thing, I think, coming out of all of this is that US intelligence appears to be doing a 180-degree about-turn. Having said for years that "Well, he's on the run, he's not...he's too busy to do any command and controlling," they are now saying that his compound in Abbottabad was the command and control centre, a command and control centre for al-Qaeda, and that he was in operational command of the organisation, which is quite different to what we've been told till now.


Afghanistan's second city Kandahar has been paralysed by intense fighting sparked by multiple attacks from suspected Taliban militants on government buildings. At least six of the attacks were carried out by suicide bombers. Afterwards, militants exchanged fire with security forces with both sides using heavy machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. From Kabul, here's Paul Wood.

疑似塔利班激进分子对政府建筑发动多次袭击,引发激烈冲突,造成阿富汗第二大城市坎大哈陷入瘫痪。至少六起袭击由自杀式爆炸者实施。随后,激进分子与安全力量交火,双方均使用了重机枪和火箭推进榴弹。Paul Wood在喀布尔报道。

President Karzai said in a statement that killing civilians in Kandahar was the Taliban's response to the death of Osama Bin Laden. They are trying to hide their defeat by taking revenge on the innocent people of Afghanistan, he said. A spokesman for the Taliban denied that, saying that on the contrary, the Kandahar attack had been planned for some time. A week ago, the Taliban did announce the beginning of their spring offensive. They've also put out a statement more recently, saying that what they called the pure blood of Osama Bin Laden would nurture the sapling of jihad.


Reports from Syria say tanks have moved into the port city of Baniyas, where there have been persistent demonstrations against the government of President Bashar al-Assad in recent weeks. Some local people are said to have tried to form human chains to stop the tanks. Jim Muir reports.

来自叙利亚的报道称,坦克已经进入港口城市巴尼亚斯,几周来,当地一直发生抗议阿萨德总统政府的示威活动。据称,一些当地人试图组成人墙,阻止坦克进入。Jim Muir报道。

The official version of events at Baniyas announced on Syrian state TV is that army and security forces have moved into the coastal town to chase what they called "armed terrorist elements". It said a number of wanted men have been arrested and quantities of arms and ammunition found. Activists said the troops and tanks moved in under cover of darkness and began house-to-house searches with lists of people they were after. Women staged a protest on the road outside the town, demanding the release of the detained men.


Rebel leaders in Libya say Italy has agreed to supply weapons to help them defeat Colonel Gaddafi's forces. The Italian government has denied the deal. A foreign minister spokesman said Italy would only provide the rebels with self-defence equipment.


World News from the BBC

Tunisian police have used tear gas and batons to disperse hundreds of demonstrators in the capital Tunis. The demonstrators were calling for the resignation of the government and protesting against what they saw as the heavy-handed response of the police to other demonstrations in recent days. An overnight curfew has been declared in and around the capital. Meanwhile, a Tunisian court has sentenced Imed Trabelsi, a nephew of the wife of ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, to two years in jail for drug use.

突尼斯警方使用催泪弹和警棍来驱散首都突尼斯的数百名示威者。示威者要求政府辞职,并抗议最近几天警方对其他示威活动的严厉镇压。首都和周边地区宣布了夜间宵禁。同时,突尼斯法庭判决被推翻的总统本·阿里的妻子的侄子Imed Trabelsi两年的监禁,原因是吸毒。

The BBC has learnt that the European Commission is willing to cut the interest rate on the emergency loans made to the Irish Republic last year. If agreed by fellow EU member states, the reduction could save $570m a year. Here's our business correspondent Joe Lynam.

BBC获悉,欧洲委员会愿意削减去年为爱尔兰共和国提供的紧急贷款的利率。如果欧盟其他成员国通过,这次削减利率每年将会为爱尔兰节约5.7亿美元。我们的商业通讯员Joe Lynam报道。

Last November, Ireland agreed emergency funding from EU buddies and the IMF worth $100bn at an average rate of 5.8%. That was widely felt to be excessive by Irish voters, who elected a new government in February with a strong mandate to re-negotiate the terms. What Ireland must give up in return, though, is unclear. The new coalition in Dublin has consistently said that its 12.5% corporation tax rate would not be raised, despite French and German demands to do so.


The governing party in Singapore has won all but six seats in Saturday's elections for parliament, but the opposition has described its advances as a political landmark. The People's Action Party, which have been in power for more than 40 years, won 81 out of 87 seats. Among those who lost their seats is Singapore's Foreign Minister George Yeo.


Tributes have been paid to one of the world's great golfers, Severiano Ballesteros, who's died of cancer at his home in Spain. Flags flew at half-mast and a minute's silence was observed at the start of Saturday's round of the Spanish Open, which is held this year in Barcelona.

世界上伟大是的高尔夫球手塞弗·巴耶斯德罗斯(Seve Ballesteros)因癌症在西班牙家中去世,人们纷纷表示哀悼。周六在巴塞罗那举行的西班牙公开赛(Spanish Open)开幕之时,降半旗并默哀向他表达敬意。
