英语听力精选进阶版 7477(在线收听

Israeli troops have fired at protesters on the Lebanese and Syrian borders. Tens of thousands of Palestinians and their supporters had marched to the borders to mark the 63rd anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel. The Lebanese army says 10 people have been killed and more than 120 injured. This demonstrator in Lebanon described the confrontation as he saw it.


"We were throwing rocks to the other side. Some of us were breaking stones and passing on for people to throw rocks. And first the Israeli soldiers were firing in the air, and then several of them were pointing their guns through the fence and shooting straight at the crowd. And it wasn't just single-shot fire; it was successive fire."


At the Syrian border, two men were killed and around 20 wounded as protesters breached a fence and crossed into the occupied Golan Heights. An Israeli army spokeswoman, Colonel Avital Leibovich, accused Syria of organising the unrest.

在叙利亚边境,抗议者冲破栅栏,进入被占领的戈兰高地,造成2人死亡,大约20人受伤。以色列军方女发言人Avital Leibovich上校谴责叙利亚组织了这次动乱。

"The Syrian regime is intentionally attempting to divert the world's attention away from their brutal crackdown on their own civilians to the incitement on Israel's northern border."

Israeli troops have also clashed with Palestinian protesters in Gaza and the West Bank.


Anti-government protesters in Syria say that at least seven people have been killed by the Syrian army in the border town of Talkalakh, where a number of deaths were reported on Saturday. Activists say the military shelled several districts of the town in the latest effort to quell anti-government protests.


The head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, is expected to appear in court in New York shortly over allegations that he sexually assaulted a hotel maid. With more, here's Laura Trevelyan.

国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)主席卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)涉嫌性侵犯一名酒店女仆,不久后将在纽约出庭。Laura Trevelyan报道更详细内容。

A maid at a midtown hotel filed a complaint of sexual assault against Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Saturday. She told detectives that she was about to clean his hotel suite when he began assaulting her. Strauss-Kahn was arrested by police on board an Air France plane at John F Kennedy Airport. He's hired a prominent New York lawyer to represent him, who says his client will plead not guilty to the charges against him. The manager of the hotel where the maid worked said she'd been there for three years and described her work and behaviour as completely satisfactory.

周六,市中心一家酒店的女仆投诉卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)性侵犯。她告诉侦探,她刚要清理卡恩的酒店套房,却遭遇卡恩的骚扰。卡恩在肯尼迪机场登上法航一架航班的时候被警方逮捕。他已经聘请了纽约一位著名的律师为他辩护。这位律师声称他的当事人会请求无罪。这名女仆工作的酒店经理表示,她已经在这里工作了三年的时间,她的工作和行为都非常令人满意。

The government in his native France said it considered Mr Strauss-Kahn innocent until proven guilty.


Voters in Zurich have overwhelmingly rejected proposals to ban assisted suicide or to limit the practice to residents of the Swiss city. Many people from around the world travel to Zurich each year to end their lives because assisted suicide is illegal in their own countries. The head of the justice department for Zurich, Martin Graf, said the liberal voices had won.

苏黎世选民以压倒性多数投票否决了禁止协助自杀和“自杀旅游”的议案。每年有外国游客前往瑞士“自杀旅游”,寻求帮助结束生命,因为在他们的国家,辅助自杀是非法的。苏黎世司法部长Martin Graf表示,自由的声音得到了倾听。

"The proposition would have been discriminatory. It would have treated people in the canton of Zurich differently to people outside. As for the content, I can tell you that on average people in Zurich have a liberal attitude to this reform."


World News from the BBC

Thousands of people in the American state of Louisiana are being evacuated after floodgates were opened on Saturday to relieve pressure from the swollen Mississippi River. More floodgates are to be opened in the coming days for the first time in several decades. The man-made floods will damage thousands of homes and hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland. Officials say this is the only way to save more populated areas along the river - cities, oil refineries, power stations and the Port of New Orleans.


Police in Colombia say they've captured a man accused of involvement in at least 50 murders. The man, Jesus David Hernandez Grisales, also known as Shorty, is accused of being a professional killer. Vanessa Buschschluter reports.

哥伦比亚警方表示,他们抓捕了一名被指控参与至少50宗谋杀案的男子。这名男子名叫Jesus David Hernandez Grisales,外号叫Shorty,被指控是职业杀手。Vanessa Buschschluter报道。

Jesus David Hernandez Grisales was captured after a four-month investigation. Officers of Colombia's anti-narcotics squad said Mr Hernandez had gone to great lengths to avoid being identified. Not only did he carry a fake ID, he also had plastic surgery on his nose and ears; and his fingertips had been altered, so his prints didn't match those police had on record. But they said there was no doubt the man in their custody was Shorty, whom they accuse of being the hitman for a criminal gang, which extorted money from local businessmen and ran much of the city's drug market.

经过四个月的调查之后,Jesus David Hernandez Grisales被抓捕。哥伦比亚反麻醉剂官员表示,Hernandez采取了很多方式来避免被人出来。他不仅使用假身份证,还在鼻子和耳朵进行了整容手术,指尖也进行了修改,所以他的指纹与警方的记录不同。但是他们说,毫无疑问,现在被拘留的男子就是Shorty,被控为一个犯罪团伙的职业杀手。该犯罪团伙向当地商人勒索金钱,并运营着当地的毒品市场。

The Libyan government has condemned British calls for Nato to bomb a wider range of infrastructure targets to put pressure on Colonel Gaddafi's government. A Libyan spokesman said the comments by the head of the British army, General David Richards, showed Britain and its allies were not interested in peace or protecting civilians.

英国要求北约轰炸更大范围的基础设施,向卡扎菲上校的政府施加压力,利比亚政府对此提出谴责。利比亚一名发言人表示,英国军事将领David Richards的评论表明英国及其盟国对和平及保护平民没有任何兴趣。

Australian police say a man who plunged to his death from a seventh-floor balcony was taking part in the Internet craze of planking. Planking involves someone lying flat on their stomach in unusual or sometimes dangerous situations and having their photograph posted on social networking websites. Police said the dead man, who was in his 20s, fell from a balcony railing in Brisbane while a friend photographed him.

