英语听力精选进阶版 7478(在线收听

A judge in New York has denied bail to the head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who's now facing seven charges including the attempted rape of a hotel chamber maid. Judge Melissa Jackson said Mr Strauss-Kahn was a flight risk and should be kept in detention. He has denied the charges. He was detained on Saturday on an Air France plane minutes before it took off for Paris. Michelle Fleury was outside the court today.

纽约一名法官拒绝对国际货币基金组织主席卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)进行假释。卡恩目前面临七项指控,包括试图强奸酒店一名女仆。Melissa Jackson法官表示,卡恩有潜逃风险,应该被拘留。卡恩本身否认了所有指控。周六,飞往巴黎的法航客机起飞几分钟之前卡恩被拘留。Michelle Fleury在法庭外报道。

Originally, we heard that the police had charged him with three particular charges: criminal sexual act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment; but now they've actually added four more charges. The most serious of those carries a penalty of up to 25 years. This, of course, they say is arising out of what they believe is more evidence, more physical evidence they have.


Now you may recall Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the arraignment, his appearance before a judge was actually delayed because he went to a hospital for a physical examination, so clearly police feel they have more evidence as a result of that.


Mr Strauss-Kahn has been seen as a respected and effective leader of the IMF and an important partner for European leaders. He had helped organise rescue packages for struggling countries in the eurozone.


The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court says he's asked judges to issue international arrest warrants for the Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam and his intelligence chief Abdullah al-Sanussi for crimes against humanity. The prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said he had a lot of evidence against the three men, as James Robbins reports.

国际刑事法庭首席检控官表示,他已经要求法官发布国际通缉令,追捕利比亚领袖卡扎菲上校,他的儿子赛义夫(Saif al-Islam)和情报部门负责人塞努西(Abdullah al Senussi)。检控官奥坎波(Luis Moreno-Ocampo)表示,他已经掌握了关于这三人罪行的详细证据。James Robbins报道。

Luis Moreno-Ocampo said more than 1,200 documents and 50 interviews with key insiders and witnesses provided evidence that Colonel Gaddafi had personally ordered attacks on unarmed Libyan civilians. They were attacked in their homes, shot during demonstrations or when leaving mosques. Mr Ocampo said others were victims of the shelling of funeral processions. The Libyan government says it is ignoring the prosecutor's announcement and does not recognise the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

奥坎波(Luis Moreno-Ocampo)表示,1,200多份文件和对50名熟悉内情者及目击者进行的访问证明,卡扎菲上校个人下令对手无寸铁的利比亚平民发动袭击。他们在家中被袭击,在示威过程中或离开清真寺时被枪击。奥坎波表示,其他人则是在参加葬礼的过程中被炮击。利比亚政府表示,他们完全忽略这位监控官的宣告,他们并不认可国际刑事法庭的审判权。

The American billionaire property magnate, Donald Trump, says he won't run for the United States presidency in 2012. Mr Trump, who's well-known for his role in a reality television show, announced that he will not seek the Republican nomination to challenge President Obama despite weeks of unofficial campaigning. Paul Adams reports from Washington.

美国著名地产大亨唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)表示,他不会参加2012年美国总统选举。在电视节目真人秀中广为人知的特朗普宣布,尽管已经举行了几周非正式的竞选活动,然而,他不会寻求共和党提名来挑战奥巴马总统。Paul Adams在华盛顿报道。

After a political tease that's lasted several weeks, Donald Trump finally decided he was not ready to leave the private sector. Making his announcement, the businessman with the outsized ego and eccentric hairdo said he still believed he could win the general election. He may be the only person in the country who genuinely believes it. But someone who was in with a chance, Mike Huckabee, has also decided not to run. This deprives the Republican field of a strong socially conservative candidate and adds to the impression that the party is struggling to come up with a viable contender capable of taking on the president.

经历了持续几周的政治活动之后,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)最终决定,他还没有做好离开私营部门的准备。发表公告的时候,这位异常自负,发型古怪的商人表示,他仍然相信自己能够赢得大选的胜利。或许整个美国只有他一人这样坚定地认为如此。但是原本有机会获胜的迈克·赫克比(Mike Huckabee)也决定不参加竞选。这导致共和党缺乏有力的社会化保守派候选人,使人们更加觉得,共和党很难找出能够接任总统的有力的候选人。

World News from the BBC

In the latest effort to eradicate child sex abuse in the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict has told bishops around the world to report promptly all priests suspected of paedophilia to local police. Bishops have also been given a year to draw up detailed plans to fight abuse and help victims. A BBC's correspondent at the Vatican says that since widespread reports of abuse first emerged, the Church has often appeared more interested in protecting priests than punishing those responsible.


In Egypt, the wife of the former president has agreed to hand over assets to the state after being detained on Saturday as part of a corruption investigation. Suzanne Mubarak, whose husband Hosni was forced to stand down following huge pro-democracy demonstrations, will surrender a villa in Cairo and some $3m held in bank accounts.

埃及前总统的妻子周六被拘留接受腐败调查之后同意将财产上交国家。穆巴拉克总统在大规模的支持民主抗议活动中被迫退位。他的妻子Suzanne Mubarak将交出开罗的一座别墅和银行账户中的300万美元财产。

A man who managed to survive a gruesome massacre in Guatemala has given details of his ordeal at the hands of a suspected Mexican drug cartel. The farm worker said the gang members arrived at his ranch on Saturday and demanded to see the landowner. When the peasants refused to cooperate, the gangsters bound their hands and hacked at them using machetes. At least 27 were beheaded. The survivor pretended to be dead until help arrived.


The American space shuttle Endeavour has lifted off for the International Space Station on its final mission. The blast-off was watched by Gabrielle Giffords, the US congresswoman shot in the head in January. Her husband Mark Kelly is the shuttle commander. Andy Gallacher was at the launch.

美国奋进号航天飞机发射升空,前往国际空间站,执行最后一次任务。一月份头部被击中的女议员吉福兹观看了发射过程。她的丈夫Mark Kelly是这架航天飞机的总指挥。Andy Gallacher在发射现场报道。

The space shuttle Endeavour blasted off into the bright morning sky as a cheer went up across the Kennedy Space Center. An estimated half a million people lined the beaches, roads and bridges across Florida's space coast to catch one final glimpse of the spacecraft. When Endeavour returns to Earth, it will be sent to a museum in California, leaving only one working space shuttle. Atlantis is due to launch in July, one last mission for a space programme that's lasted for 30 years.

