英语听力精选进阶版 7482(在线收听

Troops from northern Sudan say they've taken control of the disputed town of Abyei on the border with southern Sudan. The army of southern Sudan said northern troops had entered Abyei with tanks and that fighting was continuing. James Copnall reports from Khartoum.

北苏丹军队表示,他们已经控制了南北边境处有争议的城镇阿卜耶伊。南苏丹军方表示,北方军队携带坦克进入阿卜耶伊,现在战斗仍在继续进行。James Copnall在喀土穆报道。

Troops from the northern army attacked Abyei after three days of clashes and artillery bombardments. A southern army spokesman acknowledged the town had been lost, saying there were not enough southern troops to defend it. This is a startling development following months of arguments and just two days before the UN Security Council was due to visit Abyei. Abyei has been the biggest point of contention between north and south Sudan, and this event will lead to heightened fears of a new conflict between the two.


Tens of thousands of people are protesting across Spain against high unemployment and the government's austerity measures in defiance of a ban on demonstrations on the eve of local elections. The protest began in Madrid's main square, the Puerta del Sol, six days ago as a spontaneous sit-in by young people. Sarah Rainsford is there.

西班牙当地选举前夕,数万人无视政府的示威活动禁令,抗议高失业率和政府的紧缩措施。六天前,抗议活动从马德里的太阳门广场开始,最初是年轻人自发的静坐抗议活动。Sarah Rainsford在现场报道。

Tens of thousands of people in the square yet again. Many, many people here last night, the biggest protest so far, I think it's gearing up to be another big night tonight. There have been big crowds all day long at this protest camp. It is illegal, but it is being tolerated by the authorities. I think ahead of local elections tomorrow, the authorities here know that it would be politically very difficult if they were to move in and to move on a crowd as big as this, which has so much support across Spain.


Ivory Coast's President Alassane Ouattara has been inaugurated in a ceremony that marked the country's return to constitutional order after a decade of unrest and conflict. Mr Ouattara called for brotherhood and reconciliation, saying he would rule in the interests of the whole nation.


"This day represents a historic moment for the people of Ivory Coast. Yes, this day is for all Ivorians the start of an era that marks our common will to write a new page in the history of our country."


Tens of thousands watched on big screens around the capital Yamoussoukro as the president was sworn in.


A senior United Nations official has concluded that torture is still carried out by Tunisia's security forces. After a week-long investigation in the country, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mendez said the popular uprising which ousted the former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali had not completely eradicated the practice. Mr Mendez said the authorities needed to do more to show that it would no longer be tolerated.

联合国一名高级官员得出结论,突尼斯安全力量仍然在实施酷刑。对突尼斯进行一周的调查之后,联合国酷刑问题特别报告员门德斯(Juan Mendez)表示,推翻前总统本·阿里的大规模抗议活动并未能根除安全力量的暴行。门德斯表示,当局必须采取更多措施证明他们不再容忍酷刑的存在。

Iceland's most active volcano, Grimsvotn, has begun erupting. Iceland's Meteorological Office says the eruption is expected to be small and shouldn't cause a disruption on air travel routes. Last year, ash clouds from another Icelandic volcano led to the closure of a huge swathe of airspace across Europe and chaos at airports around the world.


BBC News

Police in Chile have been clashing with demonstrators protesting against government policies. The clashes in the central city of Valparaiso happened after a protest march called by the country's main trade union had concluded peacefully. It was timed to coincide with the president's annual state of the union address. Demonstrators held up signs opposing the government's education, labour and environmental policies.


Police in Malaysia say two landslides have partially buried an orphanage near the capital Kuala Lumpur, killing 12 people, many of them children. A number of other people were rescued, but four are still missing. Jennifer Pak reports from Kuala Lumpur.

马来西亚警方表示两次山体滑坡部分掩埋了首都吉隆坡附近一家孤儿院,造成12人死亡,其中大部分是儿童。还有一些人获救,但是仍有4人失踪。Jennifer Pak在吉隆坡报道。

Police say two landslides hit the orphanage within seconds of each other. Twenty children and their carers were gathered under a tent outside the orphanage when the incident happened. Authorities say the victims did not have a chance to escape.


Police say heavy rainfall is the likely cause of the landslide[s] in central Selangor state. The rain in recent days has slowed the rescue efforts. The soil is too wet to be moved by machines, so rescue workers have tried to dig with their hands and shovels to search for survivors.


Final results have been announced in local elections in South Africa, showing that the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, has nearly doubled its share of the votes since the last poll. The governing ANC still maintained a solid majority with 62% of the vote. Analysts say the Democratic Alliance, traditionally seen as having support among white voters, is now making inroads into the black middle-class electorate.


Hundreds of Twitter users have reacted to a Premier League footballer's bid to stop comments on his private life by posting new messages online. The move follows a ruling by the High Court in London, ordering [the] social networking site to provide the names of users who've published confidential details about the player. Legal experts have pointed out that the website, which is based in California, isn't covered by English law.

