英语听力精选进阶版 7483(在线收听

The security forces in Pakistan have been fighting a lengthy battle with militants who attacked a naval base in the city of Karachi overnight. Around a dozen well-armed attackers entered the base, setting off explosives. Eleven people are reported to have been killed, and a number have been taken hostage, including Chinese military staff. The Pakistani Taliban say they are responsible. Fighting is continuing in one part of the base, where the authorities say they've surrounded the militants. From Karachi, Shoaib Hasan reports.

巴基斯坦安全力量与夜间突袭卡拉奇一个海军基地的好战分子发生了持久的战斗。大约12名武装精良的袭击者进入基地,引爆炸药。据报道,已有11人死亡,还有几人被劫持,包括一名中国军人。巴基斯坦塔利班分子宣称对这次事件负责。在该基地的一个部分,战斗仍在继续,当局称他们已经包围了好战分子。卡拉奇,Shoaib Hasan报道。

Flames can be seen in the distance, and intermittent gunfire continues as troops battle the militants inside. Security officials told the BBC that several gunmen stormed the heavily-guarded Mehran naval air base late in the evening in central Karachi. Their first targets were aircraft parked on the tarmac and equipment in nearby hangers. Eyewitnesses say the militants used rocket-propelled grenades to damage and destroy several warplanes. These include the Pakistan army's premier anti-submarine attack jet - the US-made P-3C Orion. At least two of these multi-million-dollar aircraft were set ablaze.


Gulf Arab states have suspended their efforts to negotiate a power transfer deal in Yemen after President Ali Abdullah Saleh refused to sign it. The deal was meant to pave the way for Mr Saleh's resignation after months of pro-democracy protests in Yemen. State television reported that President Saleh would only sign it in the presence of opposition leaders. At one point, Western and Arab diplomats trying to mediate a solution were airlifted from the United Arab Emirates embassy in Sanaa after it was surrounded by armed supporters of the president.


The United Nations Security Council has called on the northern Sudanese army to withdraw from positions it has taken in the disputed region of Abyei on the border with southern Sudan. The south said the capture of Abyei was an act of war. The United States special envoy to Sudan, Princeton Lyman, described the escalation as "extraordinarily dangerous". The medical charity MSF said some 20,000 people had fled following the clashes in Abyei. Southern Sudan is due to become independent in July.

联合国安理会呼吁北苏丹军队撤出他们在南北边境处有争议的阿卜耶伊占领的地方。南方表示,北方军队占领阿卜耶伊是战争行为。美国驻苏丹特使普林斯顿·莱曼(Princeton Lyman)称这次双方关系的升级“非常危险”。无国界医生组织表示已有大约20,000人逃离阿卜耶伊的冲突。南苏丹在7月份将宣布独立。

The governing Socialist party in Spain has suffered a crushing defeat in local and regional elections after a campaign dominated by protests against high unemployment. The Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said the Socialists had been punished for three years of economic crisis, but he said he would not bring forward a general election due next year.

由于反对高失业率的抗议活动,执政的西班牙工人社会党在地方和区域选举中遭遇惨败。西班牙首相萨帕特罗(Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero)表示,工人社会党已经由于三年的经济危机受到惩罚,但是他表示,他不会将原定于明年的大选提前举行。

"The new local governments that come out of these elections will face very tough economic conditions for everyone. And we all, the government of Spain and the local governments, must contribute to help Spain recover the living standards the country deserves."


World News from the BBC

The former President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, who was ousted and forced into exile in 2009, has signed an agreement with his successor which will allow him to return home. Mr Zelaya and the Honduran President Porfirio Lobo smiled and shook hands as they signed the agreement in the Colombian city of Cartagena.

2009年被推翻并被迫流亡的洪都拉斯前总统曼努埃尔·塞拉亚与现任总统签署协议,这份协议将使他结束流亡生活回国。塞拉亚和现任总统波菲里奥·洛沃(Porfirio Lobo)在哥伦比亚城市卡塔赫纳签署该协议时面带微笑并握手。

The top prize at the Cannes Film Festival in France, the Palme d'Or, has been won by The Tree of Life, directed by Terrence Malick. The best actress award went to Kirsten Dunst for her performance in Lars von Trier's film Melancholia. Von Trier was thrown out of the festival last week for joking that he was a Nazi. Kirsten Dunst briefly alluded to the row in her acceptance speech.

本届戛纳电影节最高奖项金棕榈奖颁发给泰伦斯·马力克(Terrence Malick)编导的《生命之树》。克尔斯滕·邓斯特(Kirsten Dunst)凭借在拉斯·冯·提尔(Lars von Trier)的影片《忧郁症》中的表演获得最佳女演员奖。拉斯·冯·提尔上周曾因为开玩笑说他是纳粹分子而被排除出这次电影节。克尔斯滕·邓斯特在获奖感言中隐晦地提到了这一点。

"Thank you so much to the jury. This is an honour that is a once-in-a-lifetime thing for an actress. And thank you to the Cannes Film Festival for allowing our film to still be in competition. And I want to thank Lars for giving me the opportunity to be so brave in this film and so free."


A new study suggests the Inca civilisation in the Peruvian Andes may have owed part of its success to llama droppings. Research by the French Institute of Andean Studies suggests the Incas flourished after they began using llama dung for fertilizer. James Read reports.

一项新的研究表明,秘鲁安第斯山印加文明部分应该归功于骆驼粪便。安第斯法国研究所这份研究表明,开始使用骆驼粪便作肥料以后,印加文明逐渐繁荣起来。James Read报道。

In the 15th century, the Incas ruled the biggest empire South America had ever seen, but their fabulous cities of gold had humble origins. Research conducted in the Inca heartland in Peru suggests their civilisation emerged partly as the result of an extraordinary agricultural development nearly 3,000 years ago. Samples of mud and pollen taken from a lake suggest llama dung, used as fertilizer, helped the ancient people of the Andes make the transition from hunter-gathering to farming. Centuries later, it allowed the Incas to farm maize in the high mountains, providing a grain surplus that let their civilisation take off.

