
 I believe he believes that he was a real priest.There's something going on here.Was he a real priest? 我相信他自己会相信他是个牧师 因为他脑子里想着这件事 他是真的牧师吗

He was likely just show how much will pay attention to the key scenes in this movie. 他是想要验证下到底有多少人认真看了 这部电影的关键场景
Why would you think that he was a real priest? 你为什么认为他是一个真的牧师
He definitely was a real priest.I know you were.All right.I talked to him. 他当然是个真的牧师 好的 我和他聊过
All right.Listen.I have a little gift for you all. 听好了 我准备了一份小礼物给你们
As we got a break.I like to give gift when people come in, 因为我们要插播广告了 有嘉宾来了 我就爱给他们礼物
So you can pass this down everybody has,your name on...and you'll find the right one. 你们可以互相传一下 礼物上有你们的名字 所以你们能够找到属于自己的礼物
I take Pattinson's.Here you go.Yes,this is cool. 我要Pattinson的 给你们 好棒 棒极了
I gonna say team Ellen.Ashley.This is adorable. 我想要说Ellen党 Ashley 太可爱了
what did you say you saw it,said team Ellen? 当你看到T恤上面写的字时 有说Ellen党吗
Look at it quickly.No no.not team Ellen. 非常快的扫一眼 不 不是Ellen党
Seen there's a team Jacob and team Edward,so anyway,all right,we have a little scene 你们看到的是Jacob党和Edward党 不管怎样分 我们都会合演一个片段
that we're gonna perform for your probably be your next movie part 2 可能会在《破晓》下集播出哦
I'm pretty sure it will be.we are gonna film here,because I don't have the time to go location stuff like that, 嗯 我相信会的 我们得在这儿演 因为我可没那个闲工夫去片场
So we are film it now and you'll put it in the next movie,we will be back. 我们在这拍 你们得把它放进下部戏里面 马上回来