
 That's right,Ellen.Ladies love tight pants. 没错Ellen 女士们超爱热裤

and they also love long hair as well. 并且她们也喜欢有长头发的哦
You know,commercials are important part of the Super Bowl, 你知道 广告在超级碗比赛中非常重要
This year Doritos is letting viewers decide which ad to put on TV. 今年多力多兹公司要让观众决定播哪条广告
having people exercise their right to vote on line, 让观众在网上投票
They are saying it might be the most exercise some of them get all year. 他们说这可能是全年最经得起考验的广告
Ellen,commercial has become such a big part of the Super Bowl, Ellen 广告在超级碗比赛中占很大比重
Some experts think it might not be long before the ads on uniforms. 有专家认为在把广告刻在队服上之前 没人会将全场看完
Oh,I don't like that.Firstly,I don't like seeing ads as well as the game being played. 哦 我不喜欢那样 首先 我不喜欢在看比赛的同时还看广告
I believe in keeping the game pure,Like the pure flaw's protection you get CoverGirl's Simply Ageless Foundation. 我坚信保持比赛的纯粹性 就像完美无瑕的守护神 封面女郎的简单永恒牌粉底
I agree,Ellen.Putting the ads on uniform is not cool and it's definitely not Suave. Ellen 我同意你说的 在队服上印广告一点也不酷 而且绝对不够飘逸柔顺
Let's talk about the game,For both team,defense continues to be a question mark, 说说比赛吧 对于两支球队来说 防守都是至关重要的
With the Patriots relying on Rob Ninkovich,and the Giants is looking at their linebacker Chase Blackburn. 爱国者队依靠Rob Ninkovich 而巨人对则指望着线卫Chase Blackburn
But no one knows if they can stop either offense. 但谁知道是不是真的能阻挡进攻
Well,Ellen,one thing is for sure,Compared to last year,this defense promises to be a lot less handsome. 有一件事是肯定的 跟去年的线卫相比 今年的比起我来可差多了