英语听力精选进阶版 7514(在线收听

The governor of Afghanistan's central bank, Abdul Qadeer Fitrat, says he's resigned. Speaking from the United States, Mr Fitrat told the BBC he thinks his life is in danger as he tries to investigate a massive corruption scandal at the privately-owned Kabul Bank. Here's Jill McGivering.

阿富汗中央银行行长阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔·菲特拉特(Abdul Qadir Fitrat)宣布辞职。菲特拉特在美国发表讲话时向BBC表示,由于他试图调查私有的喀布尔银行的大规模腐败丑闻,他的生命受到威胁。Jill McGivering报道。

Mr Fitrat accuses the Afghan government of interfering in his investigation into the massive corruption scandal at privately-owned Kabul Bank. It involved the embezzlement of almost half a billion dollars and almost brought the bank's collapse. Two months ago, he publicly named in parliament high-profile figures who were allegedly involved. Since then, he's felt his life is in danger. Some of President Karzai's relatives, including a brother, are among those named in connection with the scandal.


The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for the Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi. A spokesman for the Libyan rebel council welcomed the move. Peter Biles reports.

国际刑事法庭颁布逮捕令,逮捕利比亚领袖卡扎菲上校。利比亚叛军委员会一名发言人对此举表示欢迎。Peter Biles报道。

Colonel Gaddafi is now officially a wanted man, so too is his son Saif al-Islam and the Libyan intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi. The presiding judge in The Hague said she was satisfied that arrest warrants were necessary. Colonel Gaddafi and the other two men are alleged to have been responsible for crimes against humanity committed by the Libyan security forces, including murder and persecution. The Libyan government says the International Criminal Court has no legitimacy. The arrest warrants won't trouble Colonel Gaddafi as long as he remains in power in Tripoli.

卡扎菲上校现已正式成为通缉犯,他的儿子赛义夫和利比亚情报局长阿卜杜拉(Abdullah al-Senussi)也是如此。主要负责的海牙法庭法官表示,她对逮捕令的签发表示满意。卡扎菲上校和另外两人被控应为利比亚安全力量实施的违反人道主义的罪行负责,包括谋杀和迫害。利比亚政府表示,国际刑事法庭是非法的。只要卡扎菲上校仍然控制着的黎波里,该逮捕令就不会对他造成影响。

A jury in America has found the former governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, guilty in his second corruption trial. He was accused of trying to sell President Obama's old Senate seat and other corruption charges. Mr Blagojevich denies any wrongdoing.

美国一个陪审团在第二次腐败审判中发现伊利诺伊州前州长罗德·布拉戈耶维奇(Rod Blagojevich)有罪。他被指控试图出卖奥巴马总统留下的参议员职位以及其他腐败指控。布拉戈耶维奇否认做了任何错事。

Aid workers in Sudan say the government has carried out more air attacks in South Kordofan state. Reports say 16 people were killed. South Kordofan is in north Sudan but is close to the border with the south, which becomes independent in two weeks' time. Our East Africa correspondent Will Ross reports.

苏丹救助工作者表示,政府对南科尔多凡省发动了更多空袭。报道称空袭造成16人死亡。南科尔多凡省位于北苏丹,但是靠近南北边境处。南方在两周以后将正式独立。我们的东非记者Will Ross报道。

Humanitarian sources told the BBC that five bombs were dropped from an Antonov aircraft on the village of Kurchi in South Kordofan. The BBC has seen disturbing photos of the dead, in some cases, their bodies torn apart by the bombs. The Sudanese government recently said it was disarming rebels there, people who once fought with southern soldiers but now live north of the border. Three weeks of aerial and ground attacks by the government forces have displaced more than 70,000 people.


State television in Iran has for the first time shown pictures of one of its underground missile launch silos. An Iranian TV reporter was taken on a guided tour of a vault which contained a Shahab-3 missile, and an unidentified Revolutionary Guard officer told him similar silos could be found across the country. The Iranian Shahab-3 is thought to have a range of up to 2,000km.


World News from the BBC

The Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has exhorted political parties to back his government's five-year austerity plan. Mr Papandreou told parliament at the start of a three-day debate on the measure that it was the only chance for Greece to get back on its feet. International lenders have made the plan a condition of their support for Greece's heavily indebted economy.


The chairman of the Internet giant Google, Eric Schmidt, has warned that popular uprisings which used the Internet against dictatorial governments in the Arab world may lead to greater restrictions on it in the future. Mr Schmidt was speaking in Ireland at a conference against extremism. Mark Lobel reports.

国际搜索引擎巨头谷歌公司总裁埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt) 警告称,阿拉伯世界使用互联网来对抗独裁政府的大规模抗议活动可能会使政府对互联网施加更多限制。施密特在爱尔兰一个对抗极端主义的会议上发表讲话。Mark Lobel报道。

Mr Schmidt warns semi-autocratic governments would soon regulate the Internet as much as television as its popularity grows. Google has already had issues with the Chinese government who blocked its Youtube site and censored some searches in 2009. Mr Schmidt also said Google employees risked torture in countries where some search material is considered illegal. Recently, the Egyptian authorities detained a Google staff member for two weeks during the Internet-organised protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak.


The Williams sisters, who dominated the tennis finals of Wimbledon for more than a decade, have both been knocked out in the fourth round. Serena, the defending women's champion who has suffered health problems, lost to ninth seed Marion Bartoli of France. After her match, Serena said she was happy to have got as far as she did in the tournament.


"I think I did really well, you know, just being able to come back and play and win some matches, and just really play tough. Even today I lost, but I was able to kind of hang in there and play tough. And I can only get better."


Five-times Wimbledon champion Venus was defeated by Tsvetana Pironkova of Bulgaria. The women's world No. 1, Caroline Wozniacki, is also out. She lost in three sets to Dominika Cibulkova of Slovakia.

曾经五次赢得温网冠军的维纳斯输给来自保加利亚的茨薇塔娜·皮隆科娃。女子世界第一卡洛琳·沃兹尼亚奇也被淘汰出局。她与斯洛伐克的Dominika Cibulkova激战三局之后被淘汰。
