英语听力精选进阶版 7520(在线收听

The Thai opposition leader Yingluck Shinawatra has led her party to victory in the general election five years after her brother Thaksin was deposed in a military coup. Provisional returns gave Ms Yingluck's Pheu Thai party a clear majority of seats, and the incumbent Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has admitted defeat. Rachel Harvey is in Bangkok.

泰国反对派领袖盈拉(Yingluck Shinawatra)在她的兄长他信在军事政变中被推翻五年之后,领导自己的党派在大选中获得胜利。初步结果显示泰爱泰党获得绝大多数席位,现任总理阿披实承认落败。Rachel Harvey在曼谷报道。

Yingluck Shinawatra is poised to become Thailand's fifth prime minister in as many years, a statistic which might give her pause for thought. "I don't want to say that Pheu Thai has won today," Ms Yingluck told her jubilant supporters. "This is a victory for the people." Thailand's fragile democracy has been derailed before, including by the military coup which removed Yingluck's brother Thaksin from power. If she's to govern effectively, Ms Yingluck knows she'll have to reach an understanding with the generals.

盈拉(Yingluck Shinawatra)将成为多年来泰国第五位总理,该统计数字可能会让她再三考虑。“我不想说泰爱泰党今天获得了胜利。”盈拉告诉欢欣鼓舞的支持者。“这是人民的胜利。”此前,泰国脆弱的民主制度脱轨,包括导致她的兄长他信下台的军事政变在内。如果想要高效地执政,盈拉知道自己必须与将军们打成共识。

Syrian tanks and troops are reported to have been deployed around the central city of Hama two days after it was the scene of the largest demonstration yet against President Bashar al-Assad. Owen Bennett-Jones reports from neighbouring Lebanon.

据报道,叙利亚中部城市哈马发生反对阿萨德总统的规模最大的示威活动两天之后,政府在这座城市周围部署了坦克和军队。Owen Bennett-Jones在邻国黎巴嫩报道。

Unverified video images filmed yesterday showed a column of 15 tanks, many adorned with Syrian flags, moving towards Hama on flatbed trucks. And today, there are reports of tanks, soldiers and regime loyalists in civilian clothing being deployed on the entrances to the city, and according to opposition activists, there have been many arrests within the city as well. Last week, there were reports that the frontline security personnel in Hama had been withdrawn. It seems that the government, having tried that policy, is now reverting to the use of a heavy security presence.


Turkey has recognised the rebel Transitional National Council as the true representative of the Libyan people. Speaking in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, in eastern Libya, the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said it was time for the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to go. Turkey has pledged $200m in fresh aid for the rebels.

土耳其认可叛军的过渡国民委员会为利比亚人民的真正代表。在叛军堡垒,东部的班加西发表讲话时,土耳其外交部长达乌特奥卢(Ahmet Davutoglu)表示,利比亚领袖卡扎菲上校现在应该下台了。土耳其承诺为叛军增加2亿美元的援助。

Reports from Nigeria say at least five people have been killed in an attack on a bar in the northeastern city of Maiduguri. The bar was thought to be frequented by soldiers and policemen sent to Maiduguri to reinforce security. Jonah Fisher reports from Lagos.

来自尼日利亚的报道称,东北部城市迈杜古里一个酒吧发生袭击,已造成至少5人死亡。据称,被派往迈杜古里执行安全任务的士兵和警察经常光顾这家酒吧。Jonah Fisher在拉各斯报道。

The exact sequence of events is still becoming clear, but in common with recent Boko Haram attacks, a drinking establishment was targeted. There's been no claim of responsibility, but the commander of a joint police and army task force immediately pointed the finger at Boko Haram. Two years ago, Nigerian security forces brutally suppressed an uprising by the Islamist sect by destroying their compound and then killing their leader in custody. Instead of disappearing, Boko Haram have regrouped.

袭击事件的真正后果目前还不是很明晰,但是与最近Boko Haram袭击的共同点是,袭击目标都是饮酒场所。目前还没有任何人宣称为袭击事件负责,但是联合警察与军队任务指挥官立即指出幕后黑手是Boko Haram。两年前,尼日利亚安全力量残暴地镇压了该伊斯兰激进组织的暴乱,摧毁了他们的巢穴,杀害了他们被拘留的头目。然而,Boko Haram并没有灰飞烟灭,反而卷土重来。

World News from the BBC in London

A court in Bangladesh has issued an arrest warrant for Tarique Rahman, the son of the main opposition leader Khaleda Zia, in connection with a grenade attack on a rally. Mr Rahman's party, the BNP, says the charges are groundless and politically-motivated. From Dhaka, here's Anbarasan Ethirajan.

孟加拉国一家法院日前发布逮捕令,抓捕的对象是前总理卡莉达·齐亚之子塔里克·拉赫曼(Tarique Rahman),据称他与一次集会上发生的手榴弹袭击有关。拉赫曼的党派孟加拉国国民党(BNP)表示,这些指控是毫无根据的,是出于政治目的。Anbarasan Ethirajan在达卡报道。

More than 20 people died when grenades were thrown at a rally staged by the Awami League Party, which is now in government but in 2004 was in opposition. The police allege that Tarique Rahman masterminded the attack to eliminate political opponents. Mr Rahman has lived in London since 2008, and it's not clear whether he will return to Bangladesh to face the trial.

在孟加拉国人民联盟(Bangladesh Awami League)举行的集会上,有人向人群投掷了手榴弹,造成20多人死亡。人民联盟现在是执政党,但是在2004年的时候还是在野党。警方控告塔里克·拉赫曼(Tarique Rahman)为了除去政治对手而策划了这次袭击。拉赫曼自2008年以来一直居住在伦敦。目前还不清楚他是否会回到孟加拉国接受审判。

The Palestinian authority has had to halve the salaries paid to its civil servants because of a major budget shortfall. The Prime Minister Salam Fayyad called on donors to meet their financial pledges.

由于严重的预算短缺,巴勒斯坦当局被迫将公务员的薪资减半。总理法雅德(Salam Fayyad)希望捐赠者能够履行此前的承诺。

About 40 people have been arrested in Turkey for questioning about alleged match-fixing in football. They include the president of the Turkish champions Fenerbahce. Police conducted simultaneous raids on clubs and private homes across at least 12 cities. One match under particular scrutiny is Fenerbahce's final game last season, a dramatic victory which secured them the Turkish league title.


In tennis, Novak Djokovic of Serbia has beaten the defending Wimbledon champion Rafael Nadal in four sets in the men's singles final. It's his first Wimbledon title. Speaking to the crowd on Centre Court after his victory, he said it was a dream come true.


"It's really hard to describe this with any words except the best day of my life, the most special day of my life. This is my favourite tournament, the tournament I always dreamed of winning. Thank you all for coming and making this day even more special."


When the tennis world rankings are published on Monday, Djokovic will be world No. 1.

