英语听力精选进阶版 7522(在线收听

The British parliament is holding a rare emergency debate on Wednesday on the scandal engulfing the media group News International. One of its papers, the News of the World, is said to have paid for the hacking of the mobile phone of a murdered girl, Milly Dowler, while she was missing, an allegation that the paper's then editor Rebekah Brooks said she was appalled by. Naomi Grimley reports.

周三,英国议会召开罕见的紧急辩论,讨论新闻国际集团(News International)丑闻问题。据称,该集团下属《世界新闻报》曾经窃听被谋杀的女孩米莉(Milly Dowler)失踪期间的手机。该报当时的编辑Rebekah Brooks称对该指控感到非常震惊。Naomi Grimley报道。

It's a sign of how serious the phone hacking scandal has become that the House of Commons will now debate the latest allegations. This is no longer about the privacy of a few celebrities or politicians. It's instead become a much bigger question about journalistic ethics. The latest claims suggest a private investigator acting for the News of the World hacked into the voicemails of the murdered schoolgirl while she was missing. In a separate case, the parents of two girls who were murdered by a paedophile have also been told that their voicemails may have been accessed.


An appeals court in the Netherlands has found the Dutch state responsible for the deaths of three Muslim men in Srebrenica in 1995 during the Bosnian conflict. Nearly 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed. This report from Chris Morris.

荷兰一上诉法庭发现,荷兰应该为1995年波斯尼亚冲突期间斯雷布列尼察三名穆斯林男子的死亡负责。当时大约8,000名穆斯林男人和男孩被杀害。Chris Morris报道。

The court ruled the Dutch UN troops should not have handed the three men over to the Bosnian Serb forces who killed them.


"The state of the Netherlands," the judge said, "is responsible for their deaths." The role of the Netherlands and its troops has always been under scrutiny. It is 16 years ago next week that the Srebrenica massacre took place. And successive Dutch governments have always said they could not be held responsible; their troops were not given sufficient support by the United Nations. Now a Dutch court has taken issue with that argument and raised the prospect of multiple compensation cases.


Pakistan's Human Rights Commission has criticised the authorities in the southern city of Karachi for failing to stop multiple targeted killings. It says more than 1,000 people have been shot dead there since the start of this year. Here's Shahzeb Jillani.

巴基斯坦人权委员会谴责南部城市卡拉奇当局未能阻止多起有目标的杀人事件。人权委员会表示,自今年年初以来,当地已有超过1,000人被枪杀。Shahzeb Jillani报道。

The city, which generates nearly half of Pakistan's total revenue, is plagued by extortion rackets, mafia-run land-grabs and turf wars waged by armed groups fighting for their share of resources. But the commission's chairwoman Zohra Yusuf said the main reason why the violence was allowed to continue was political. She said that armed gangs who carry out planned killings with impunity operate with the backing of the city's main political parties.

卡拉奇的产值接近巴基斯坦总收益的一半,但是现在却到处是敲诈勒索,黑手党抢劫,已经武装分子发动的夺取自己的资源的混乱景象。该委员会女主席Zohra Yusuf表示,暴力得以持续存在的主要原因是政治。她说,有计划地实施杀害事件而不受惩罚的武装暴力团伙是在该城市主要政党的支持下运作的。

The former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde has taken over as managing director of the International Monetary Fund. She's the first woman to run it and was appointed following the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn on sex charges in May. Mrs Lagarde takes over at a time of formidable challenges with the IMF needing to make sure that the Greek debt crisis doesn't spread to other vulnerable economies.


World News from the BBC

Libyan rebels say they've succeeded in creating a defensive arc south and west of the city of Misrata by linking up two fronts. From Misrata, here's Gabriel Gatehouse.

利比亚叛军表示,他们将米苏拉塔西部和南部的前线连接起来,成功地建立了坚固的防线。米苏拉塔,Gabriel Gatehouse报道。

Rebel commanders say that the fighting started in the early morning, and along the frontline, firing and shelling continued from both sides well into the afternoon. Anti-Gaddafi forces have been dug in here at the village of Dafniya, west along the coast from Misrata for more than six weeks. Now their commanders say their fighters have managed to link up with a second front to the south of Misrata, creating a defensive arc around the city's southwestern flank. The BBC was also shown a number of soldiers from Colonel Gaddafi's army who had been wounded and captured in the fighting.


The countdown has started for the final launch of an American space shuttle. Atlantis is due to blast off on Friday from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, bound for the International Space Station. Its 12-day mission, the 135th, will bring to an end 30 years of shuttle flights.


Venezuela is celebrating its declaration of independence from Spain 200 years ago with a focus - a colourful parade along a ceremonial avenue in the capital Caracas. President Hugo Chavez, who returned on Monday from an extended absence in Cuba following emergency cancer surgery, made a live televised address from the presidential palace ahead of the parade, but he was not there to witness it in person.


One of the most famous American painters of his generation, Cy Twombly, has died at the age of 83. He'd been suffering from cancer for a number of years. Twombly was best known for his canvases that combined painting, drawing and calligraphic texts, many of them reflecting classical themes and motifs. After an early career in the United States, where he became part of an influential group of artists that included Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns, Twombly worked in Europe from the late 1950s onwards.

美国当代最著名的画家塞-托姆布雷(Cy Twombly)去世,终年83岁。他多年来饱受癌症的折磨。托姆布雷最广为人知的是将油画和书法相结合的帆布画,许多都表现出了古典的主题。托姆布雷早期职业生涯在美国完成,他在那里成为一个有影响力的艺术家组织的一员,包括罗伯特·劳森伯格和贾斯培·琼斯,从50年代末开始在欧洲工作。
