英语听力精选进阶版 7525(在线收听

The last US space shuttle has blasted off from Cape Canaveral in Florida, bringing an end to the 30-year-old programme. For the first time in half a century, the space agency Nasa has no manned space flights on its agenda. Jonny Dymond witnessed the historic lift-off from the Kennedy Space Center.

美国最后一架航天飞机在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角发射升空,历时30年的航天飞机项目即将宣告结束。这是半个世纪来美国宇航局NASA日程上首次没有载人太空飞行任务。Jonny Dymond在肯尼迪太空中心亲眼目睹了历史性的发射过程。

"TD CTLS on 212, we're ready to go. All right. Very good."

“TD CTLS在212轨道上,我们已经做好准备。好的,非常好。”

The orbiter's engines fired, then the slim white solid rocket boosters leapt into life; steam billowed from the launch site; two torrents of yellow fire poured from the shuttle; a deep roar took hold of the sky. For half a minute, spectators stood transfixed, and then the last shuttle slipped through the clouds, powering its way towards the stars.


With a few hours to go before south Sudan becomes an independent state, final preparations are underway in the capital Juba. The government in Khartoum has formally recognised its southern neighbour as a new country, but has also confirmed that southern Sudanese will lose the right and nationality in the north. Our correspondent Will Ross is in Juba.

还有几个小时的时间,南苏丹就将成为独立的国家,首都朱巴仍在进行最后的准备工作。喀土穆政府已经正式认可南方为新的国家,但是也证实南苏丹人将失去在北方的权力和国籍。我们的记者Will Ross在朱巴报道。

We're at this roundabout in the middle of Juba. A digital clock is counting down to midnight. South Sudan will start out as one of the poorest nations on the planet, where one in seven children dies before the age of five. That will not change without lasting peace. Thousands of UN peacekeepers will still have to be deployed here, and there are fears of clashes between northern and southern troops along that oil-rich border. The celebrations may be brief. There are so many challenges ahead.


The first arrests have taken place in the scandal surrounding Rupert Murdoch's British media empire. Police questioned Andy Coulson, the former editor of the News of the World who later worked as the government communications chief for nine hours, over allegations of corruption and phone hacking by the paper. Mr Coulson has denied any knowledge of the hacking. Another former senior journalist of the paper was arrested in connection with alleged illegal payments to the police.

警方针对默多克英国媒体王国丑闻进行了首次逮捕活动。警方对《世界新闻报》前编辑,随后担任政府新闻联络官的Andy Coulson进行了九个小时的审讯,针对该报纸腐败和窃听电话的指控进行了详细盘问。Andy Coulson否认了解窃听的行为。该报另外一名前资深记者因非法向警方行贿的指控被捕。

A group of British aid agencies has launched a joint fundraising appeal to help more than 10 million people affected by the severe drought in the Horn of Africa. The Disasters Emergency Committee says about 1,300 people every day are trekking across Somalia to the Dadaab refugee camp in eastern Kenya, from where Ben Brown reports.

一些英国援助机构发起了联合募捐活动,帮助非洲之角受到严重的干旱影响的超过1000万人。灾难应急委员会(Disasters Emergency Committee)表示,每天大约有1,300人穿越索马里到达肯尼亚东部的Dadaab难民营。Ben Brown报道。

There are well over 380,000 people here now, and some have to wait for days or even weeks before they get regular rations of food. Relief workers are hearing harrowing stories of mothers who had to abandon their weakest child on the long track to get here from Somalia. And even once they are in this camp, some mothers are prepared, say aid workers, to let their most malnourished child die if that means she can save her other children.


You're listening to the latest World News from the BBC.

A Congolese airliner has crashed in the eastern city of Kisangani, killing at least 46 people. There are conflicting reports about the number of passengers on board, and the number of those killed could be higher. From Kinshasa, Thomas Hubert reports.

刚果一架飞机在东部城市基桑加尼坠毁,造成至少46人死亡。关于机上乘客的数量出现了互相冲突的报道,遇难者人数可能会更高。金沙萨,Thomas Hubert报道。

The Boeing 727 was operated by the Congolese airline Hewa Bora, one of the few passenger carriers flying to Kisangani, the third largest city in the DRC. Company and Congolese government sources said that the aircraft was caught in a storm. The transport minister said it crashed 300 metres from the runway. A Kisangani resident said the plane had broken into three pieces.


Libyan rebels say they have made significant gains in the west of the country, advancing up to 8km towards the strategically important town of Zlitan. The frontline near the rebel-held town of Misrata had been stationary for six weeks, and the rebels believe their progress opens the way for a faster assault on the capital Tripoli.


State media in Venezuela say prisoners who took control of a jail near the capital Caracas three weeks ago have released 148 fellow inmates whom they were allegedly holding hostage. Venezuelan officials say a small gang of inmates is terrorising the rest of the prison population. But relatives of the prisoners say the men were resisting a massive police operation aimed at getting rid of the gangs.


The Cuban guitarist Manuel Galban, a member of the world-famous Cuban music collective, the Buena Vista Social Club, has died in Havana. He was 80. The official Granma newspaper called him the "master of the guitar". Manuel Galban was part of the popular fusion group Los Zafiros, which combined Cuban music with doo-wop and rock. Galban's collaboration with the American guitarist Ry Cooder on the album Mambo Sinuendo won him a Grammy award.

古巴吉他手,世界闻名的古巴音乐俱乐部林荫道俱乐部成员曼努埃尔·加尔班(Manuel Galban)在哈瓦那去世,享年80岁。古巴官方报纸格兰玛报称他是“吉他大师”。曼努埃尔·加尔班(Manuel Galban)是混合乐队Los Zafiros的成员,将古巴音乐,杜·沃谱音乐和摇滚音乐相结合。加尔班与美国吉他手瑞·库德合作的专辑Mambo Sinuendo使他获得了格莱美奖。
