英语听力精选进阶版 7527(在线收听

The Obama administration is suspending about a third of its annual aid to the Pakistani military, worth about $800m. The White House chief of staff Bill Daley said Pakistan was an important ally against terrorism but some of its conduct had given Washington reason to act. Rajesh Mirchandani reports.

奥巴马政府冻结了对巴基斯坦军方三分之一的年度援助,价值大约8亿美元。白宫办公厅主任威廉·戴利(William Daley)表示,在反恐方面,巴基斯坦是重要的盟友,但是巴基斯坦的部分行为使华盛顿有理由采取行动。Rajesh Mirchandani报道。

Relations between the two countries have been increasingly strained since May when US troops went into Pakistan in secret and killed Osama Bin Laden. Pakistani leaders were furious the US did not consult them while US officials wondered out loud who in Pakistan might have known where Bin Laden was hiding. Last week, a senior US official suggested Pakistan was involved in the killing of a journalist. Prior to that, Islamabad expelled US military trainers. Washington may hope holding back aid is persuasive.


The aid agency Oxfam has called on the Kenyan authorities to allow Somali drought victims into a camp inside Kenya but which is empty. Aid workers say the empty camp, known as Ifo Two, is close to another one, Dadaab. Here's Martin Plaut.

救助机构Oxfam(牛津饥荒救济委员会)呼吁肯尼亚当局允许索马里干旱受害者进入肯尼亚境内空置的难民营。救助工作者表示,空置的Ifo Two难民营距离位于达达阿布的难民营非常近。Martin Plaut报道。

Dadaab camp is bursting at the seams, and every day more than 1,000 Somalis stream in. Yet just down the road is another camp, Ifo Two. It's ready and waiting, complete with latrines and water supplies. For the past two years, the United Nations refugee agency says it's tried to get it opened, but the Kenyan authorities have been blocking their attempts. The head of the UNHCR, Antonio Guterres, is due to meet the Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki on Monday to try to remove the obstacles.

达达阿布难民营已经人满为患,每天都有1,000多名索马里人涌入。然而,沿着这条路下去就是另外一个难民营Ifo Two。这个难民营已经做好了准备,配备了公厕和水。过去两年,联合国难民机构表示,他们试图让这个难民营开放,但是肯尼亚当局一直阻止他们的努力。联合国难民事务高级专员安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)将于周一会见肯尼亚总统姆瓦伊·齐贝吉(Mwai Kibaki),试图消除障碍。

The President of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir, has said Sudan could take up arms against the newly independent Republic of South Sudan over the disputed region of Abyei. President Bashir insisted Abyei was part of the North and that any attempt to undermine a previously agreed protocol on the region could lead to renewed conflict.


The Nigerian military say they've killed 11 suspected militants in the troubled northeastern city of Maiduguri. They refused to comment on allegations of civilian deaths. Here's our correspondent Jonah Fisher.

尼日利亚军方表示,他们在陷入混乱的东北部城市迈杜古里击毙了11名好战分子嫌疑人。他们拒绝对平民伤亡指控发表评论。我们的记者Jonah Fisher报道。

The statement from the military task force says that at 7:30 on Saturday night, a patrol was targeted by an explosion and gunshots from a stationary bus. The attack was successfully repelled, and it's claimed that 11 members of the militant group Boko Haram were killed, and two soldiers injured. Twice in the short statement mention was made of local residents allowing their homes and shops to be used by the Islamists, and a warning made of the implications of collaboration.

来自军事任务小组的声明称,周六晚上7:30,一支巡逻队遭遇一辆巴士的爆炸和枪火袭击。袭击被成功阻止,11名Boko Haram好战组织嫌疑人被击毙,两名士兵受伤。声明中两次提到当地居民允许伊斯兰好战分子使用他们的家和店铺,这暗示他们串通好战分子。

The government of Congo says seven people have been killed in a stampede at a music festival in the capital Brazzaville. Thirty others were injured. The Congolese culture minister said security forces had failed to control the stampede.


World News from the BBC

France and the United States have protested to Syria about demonstrations outside their embassies on Saturday. The French government summoned the Syrian ambassador to issue what it called a "vigorous protest" about damage to its embassy and a consulate in Syria. The United States accused the Syrian authorities of organising a protest, at which its embassy was pelted with eggs and tomatoes. The demonstrations followed Syrian complaints about visits made by the French and American ambassadors last week to the town of Hama, where the authorities have been trying to crush anti-government protests.


The American Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has arrived in Iraq on an unannounced visit. The visit comes amid uncertainty over the remaining US troops in Iraq, who are scheduled to pull out by the end of this year. Mr Panetta said he would be encouraging Iraq to decide whether it wants to retain American forces beyond the deadline.


A pleasure boat carrying more than 180 people has sunk in the Volga River in Russia. The Russian authorities say that 84 people were rescued and that one passenger has died. More than 90 people are still unaccounted for, and the search for the missing continues. It's not yet clear why the boat sank. Russia's transport ministry has set up a commission to investigate the accident.


Seventeen prisoners are on the run in southwestern Colombia after a mass jailbreak in the city of Tumaco. Police said 20 prisoners escaped after an explosion at the prison. Three were recaptured. Vanessa Buschschluter has this report.

哥伦比亚图马科市发生大规模越狱事件,17名囚犯在哥伦比亚西南部逃窜。警方表示,该监狱发生爆炸之后,20名囚犯逃跑,3人被重新抓获。Vanessa Buschschluter报道。

The explosions happened in the middle of the night, causing enough of the distraction for 20 prisoners to flee. Explosives experts are trying to defuse a second device, which the fugitives placed on one of the main roads leading out of the city. Police Colonel William Montezuma warned the local population about the fugitives, who he said were highly dangerous and included members of Colombia's largest left-wing rebel group, the Farc.

爆炸发生在午夜,造成了足够的混乱,使20名囚犯逃窜。爆炸专家正在努力摘除越狱者在出城的主要道路上安装的第二枚爆炸装置。警官William Montezuma上校警告当地居民防范逃亡者。这些人都是非常危险的人物,其中包括哥伦比亚最大的左翼反叛组织哥伦比亚武装力量成员。
