英语听力精选进阶版 7533(在线收听

Britain's top police officer Sir Paul Stephenson has resigned, the latest casualty in the scandal over phone hacking and alleged corruption by journalists at Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper group. Sir Paul said he was stepping down because of associations about the links between the police and Rupert Murdoch's News International media group. He denies any wrongdoing. Naomi Grimley reports.

英国警方高级官员保罗·斯蒂芬森爵士(Sir Paul Stephenson)辞职,他是英国默多克新闻集团记者电话窃听和贿赂丑闻中最新一个牺牲品。保罗爵士表示,他辞职是由于有人指出警方和默多克的新闻国际媒体集团之间存在联系。他否认做了任何错事。Naomi Grimley报道。

Sir Paul Stephenson is just the latest high-profile casualty of this scandal. As commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, he was having to field difficult questions about his force's failure to uncover the true extent of wrongdoing at the News of the World. And he personally had been under pressure to explain his force's links with a public relations company run by a former journalist at the newspaper. In a statement announcing his resignation, Sir Paul defended his own conduct, but said he was going because the scandal was becoming a distraction.

保罗·斯蒂芬森爵士(Sir Paul Stephenson)是这次窃听丑闻中最新的高层受牵连者。作为伦敦都会警察局局长,面对他率领的警察未能披露世界新闻报错误行为的实际程度,他必须回答许多艰难的问题。他本人也面临压力,必须解释他的警方与世界新闻报前记者运营的一家公关公司之间的关系。在宣布辞职的声明中,保罗爵士为自己的行为作出辩护,但是他表示他仍将辞职,因为这次丑闻已经让他心烦意乱。

Earlier, Rebekah Brooks, formerly one of Mr Murdoch's most senior executives, was arrested in London on suspicion of phone hacking and corruption.

此前,默多克旗下最高级的执行官员丽贝卡·布鲁克斯(Rebekah Brooks)涉嫌电话窃听和行贿,在伦敦被捕。

Police in Afghanistan say a senior adviser to President Hamid Karzai has been killed in an attack on his home in the capital Kabul. The adviser, Jan Mohammad Khan, was a former provincial governor. Earlier, Afghan security forces took over control of security in the province of Bamiyan from Nato troops, the first transition of its kind. Sanjoy Majumder reports from Kabul.

阿富汗警方表示,卡尔扎伊总统一名高级顾问在首都喀布尔家中遭遇袭击身亡。这位顾问Jan Mohammad Khan曾经担任一省省长。此前,阿富汗安全力量从北约军队手中接管了巴米扬的安全工作,这是首次这种类型的责任交接。Sanjoy Majumder在喀布尔报道。

The attack took place at eight o'clock local time in a western district of Kabul. Eyewitnesses say gunmen dressed in military uniforms attacked the home of Jan Mohammad Khan, a former provincial governor and key presidential aide. Mr Khan and a member of parliament were among those killed. Afghan security forces immediately surrounded the building and turned off power in an attempt to control the situation. The killing comes as a major setback to President Hamid Karzai, who lost his brother last week.

袭击发生在当地时间八点钟,地点在喀布尔西部一个地区。目击者表示,身穿军装的持枪分子袭击了前省长,总统助手Jan Mohammad Khan的家。Khan和一名议员遇难。阿富汗安全力量立即包围了这栋建筑并断电,试图控制这里的形势。这次刺杀事件对卡尔扎伊总统是一个沉重的打击,他的弟弟已经在上周遇刺。

Doctors treating the former President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, have denied a claim by his lawyer that he's gone into a coma. Many opposition supporters are sceptical about reports that Mr Mubarak's health is deteriorating. They say Egypt's military rulers are trying to prevent his trial next month. Jon Leyne reports from Cairo.

为埃及前总统穆巴拉克提供治疗的医生否认了他的律师所说的穆巴拉克已经昏迷。有报告称穆巴拉克的健康状况开始恶化,许多反对派支持者对此持怀疑态度。他们说,埃及的军方统治者试图阻止下月对穆巴拉克的审判。Jon Leyne在开罗报道。

It was Egyptian state TV that first carried the report from Hosni Mubarak's lawyer. The lawyer said that the health of the former president had deteriorated rapidly and he was now in a full coma. The report was swiftly denied by a number of doctors. Now his lead doctor has insisted Mr Mubarak is in a stable condition. The doctor said that Hosni Mubarak had merely become dizzy after suffering from low-blood pressure, but the condition was now being treated. The former Egyptian leader is already in hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh. He's due to go on trial on 3 August for corruption and ordering the killing of protesters.


World News from the BBC

Reports from Syria suggest the armed forces have surrounded an eastern town after defections from the army. Video images from Bukamal, near the Iraqi border, show protesters mounted on army tanks, chanting "the people and army are one." Meanwhile, the security forces were reported to have raided houses and arrested dozens of dissidents in western Syria.


The man who launched a legal battle that led to the unearthing of treasure worth billions of dollars in the Indian state of Kerala has died. The huge treasure trove lay undetected for centuries before it was brought to light earlier this month. Sanjay Dasgupta reports.

提起司法诉讼,使得印度喀拉拉邦价值数十亿美元的财报出土的男子去世。这笔巨大的财宝几个世纪来一直深埋地下,直到这个月初才重见天日。Sanjay Dasgupta报道。

TP Sundar Rajan was a retired police officer from the elite Indian Police Service. He was 70. It was Mr Sundar Rajan who started the legal campaign that ultimately led to the vaults of the 16th Century Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple being opened.

TP Sundar Rajan是印度警察局一位退休警官,今年70岁。Sundar Rajan开始了一项司法运动,最终使得16世纪帕德马纳巴史瓦米庙的地下室打开。

Even in a society where fabulously rich religious trusts and temples aren't unheard of, the extent of the wealth surprised many. Gold, silver, jewellery and precious stones worth, according to some estimates, more than $20bn. The treasure came to light only after a prolonged court battle between the state government and a local aristocratic family. The former royal family of what was once the princely state of Travancore, who controlled the temple through a religious trust.


The former leader of Uruguay, Juan Maria Bordaberry, has died at his home where he was serving a 30-year sentence for crimes committed when he was in power. Mr Bordaberry was elected president in 1971. Two years later with the backing of the military, he suspended the Uruguayan constitution, outlawed political parties and ruled by decree till he was ousted in 1976.

乌拉圭前领袖波达柏瑞(Juan Maria Bordaberry)因执政期间犯下的罪行执行30年的监禁时在家中去世。1971年波达柏瑞当选总统。两年后,在军方的支持下,他暂停了乌拉圭宪法,宣布一些政党非法,通过总统律令来执政,直到1976年被推翻。

The final of the women's football World Cup is taking place in the German city of Frankfurt with Japan taking on the favourites, the United States. Sixteen teams have taken part in the three-week-long tournament playing in nine cities in Germany.

