英语听力精选进阶版 7540(在线收听

About 100,000 people have gathered in the centre of the Norwegian capital Oslo to remember victims of the attacks, which killed 76 people on Friday. Many carried flowers; others hugged each other as they sang hymns. From Oslo, Steve Evans.

大约100,000人聚集在挪威首都奥斯陆中心,纪念在周五的袭击中遇难的76人。许多人手持鲜花,其他人互相拥抱着唱赞美诗。奥斯陆,Steve Evans报道。

Tens of thousands of people, or one estimated 100,000 people, have been walking quietly through the streets of Oslo. Most are carrying flowers, and occasionally they hold them aloft as though they are torches. People are congregating at the edge of the cordoned-off zone where the bomb shattered buildings, though the barriers have been moved back through the day, leaving a small remaining cordoned area of the worst damage in the city centre. Many more people are congregating at the cathedral in a dense quiet mass of people.


Norwegian police are now investigating the possibility of a wider plot after the man accused of carrying out the attacks, Anders Behring Breivik, told a court he was part of a network, including two other cells. The Prime Minister of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg, has said he believes Norway will be changed by Friday's killings, but it will remain an open and democratic society. Speaking to the BBC, Mr Stoltenberg said he'd been due to speak at the island youth camp the day after the shootings and knew personally some of those who were killed or wounded.

被指控实施袭击的布雷维克(Anders Behring Breivik)告诉法庭,他是一个网络的成员,包括另外两名囚犯。挪威警方立即调查更大的阴谋的可能性。挪威首相延斯·斯托尔滕贝格(Jens Stoltenberg)表示,他相信,经过周五的杀戮事件之后,挪威会发生改变,但是仍然是开放的,民主的社会。向BBC发表讲话时,斯托尔滕贝格表示,他原计划在枪击发生后的一天向岛上夏令营的年轻人发表讲话。他认识其中一些死伤的人。

"I knew many of them, and I also knew many of the parents, relatives, friends of those who died. People in Norway are in deep grief. They are still shocked. But we also see a Norway which is very unified and where people are standing together to comfort each other and to take care of each other."


The International Monetary Fund has warned the United States that it must resolve its debt crisis quickly or risk a severe shock to the American economy. The IMF said that if American lawmakers failed to agree a new debt ceiling by next week, it would also affect global financial markets. From Washington, Mark Mardell has more.

国际货币基金组织警告美国必须尽快解决债务危机,否则美国经济将遭遇严重影响。IMF表示,如果美国立法者在下周之前未就新的债务限额达成一致,全球金融市场也将受到影响。华盛顿,Mark Mardell报道更详细内容。

America is this close to the brink because of the ideological chasm between President Obama's Democrats and the newly reinvigorated Republicans, who are in control of the House of Representatives after last year's mid-term elections. Many of the new Republican members were backed by the economically conservative Tea Party movement and campaigned promising to deal with America's ballooning debt and what they see as bloated government spending. Most expect a last-minute deal will be done, but it won't be easy when the system means the two parties have to agree and the political reality is there's very little common ground.


President Obama has announced a new strategy to combat international organised crime, saying it represents a growing threat to the United States and its allies. In an executive order, Mr Obama imposed economic sanctions including an asset freeze on four criminal groups: the Italian Camorra, the Japanese Yakuza, the Mexican drugs cartel Los Zetas and the Brothers' Circle, based largely across the former Soviet Union.


BBC News

Flooding in eastern Ghana has forced about 10,000 people to flee from their homes and has left four people dead. A regional disaster coordination official described the situation as "getting out of hand". He said the Birim River in the eastern region had burst its banks.


Several of the main organisers of last week's anti-government protests in Malawi have gone into hiding. Nineteen people were killed in violence as security forces were deployed during demonstrations against the high cost of living. President Bingu wa Mutharika said he would, as he put it, "smoke out" the organisers if they returned to the streets. But one has told the BBC that activists will not be intimidated.

上周马拉维反政府抗议活动的几名主要组织者已经躲藏起来。在反对生活成本上涨的示威活动中,当局派遣了安全力量,引发暴力活动,造成19人死亡。马拉维总统宾古·瓦·穆塔里卡(Bingu wa Mutharika)说,如果这些组织者回到街上,他一定要“用烟将他们熏出来”。但是一名组织者告诉BBC,活动积极分子不会受到恐吓。

The Vatican has taken the rare step of recalling its ambassador to Ireland amid unprecedented tension with the Irish government over the issue of child abuse by Roman Catholic priests. It follows strong criticism of the Church by the Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny after a report was published accusing the Church of sabotaging an investigation into the rape of children. Our Ireland correspondent Mark Simpson reports.

梵蒂冈采取罕见的措施,在梵蒂冈和爱尔兰政府由于罗马天主教神父虐童的问题的前所未有的紧张形势中,将驻爱尔兰大使召回。此前一份报道指控教堂妨碍对虐童事件的调查,爱尔兰总理恩达·肯尼(Enda Kenny)压力批评了天主教堂。我们的爱尔兰通讯员Mark Simpson报道。

The historic bond between the Irish government and the Vatican is no more. In fact, where once there was affection, there's now a confrontation. The unprecedented attack on the Church last week by the Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny was designed to provoke a response. The Vatican is taking its time before doing so. But by recalling its papal nuncio from Dublin in order to take part in consultations in Rome, it is publicly recognising the seriousness of the situation.

爱尔兰政府和梵蒂冈之间的历史纽带已经不复存在。实际上,以前双方之间影响,现在出现对抗。上周,爱尔兰总理恩达·肯尼(Enda Kenny)对教堂前所未有的抨击势必引起梵蒂冈的反应。梵蒂冈并没有发表评论。但是召回驻都柏林大使去参加在罗马举行的讨论会已经公开承认了形势的严峻性。

The Turkish Football Federation has delayed the start of the new season for five weeks while investigations continue into match-fixing allegations involving some of the country's leading clubs. The first game in Turkey's top league will now be played on 9 September. More than 30 people have been remanded in custody, including the chairman of the champions Fenerbahce.

