英语听力精选进阶版 7541(在线收听

Police in Norway have begun releasing the names of the 76 people killed in Friday's bomb attack in Oslo and mass shooting on a nearby island. Earlier, the lawyer for the man who's admitted carrying out the attacks, Anders Behring Breivik, expressed doubts about his client's mental health. From Oslo, Stephen Evans.

挪威警方开始公布周五在奥斯陆的炸弹爆炸袭击和附近小岛上的枪击中遇难的76人的名单。此前,承认实施了袭击的男子布里维克(Anders Behring Breivik)的律师对他的当事人的精神状况提出了质疑。奥斯陆,Stephen Evans报道。

The lawyer said his client was probably insane, though it wasn't certain that insanity would be his formal plea. He said his client regarded himself as taking part in a war. Breivik is now likely to be charged with an offence related to terrorism, which will enable the court to impose a longer sentence than the current maximum for murder. The head of the country's intelligence service told the BBC they were also investigating links to other groups and whether Breivik may have left unexploded bombs elsewhere.


President Obama has made an unannounced visit to the Norwegian ambassador's residence in Washington to pay his condolences over the killings in Norway. The president wrote in a condolences book that he was heartbroken at the tragic loss of so many young lives.


The Moroccan army says 78 people were killed when a military transport plane crashed into a mountain in the south of the country, just north of the disputed Western Sahara territory. Here's Norah Fahim in Rabat.

摩洛哥军方表示,一架军用运输机在南方撞上大山,就在有争议的西撒哈拉领土以北,造成78人死亡。Norah Fahim在拉巴特报道。

The Hercules C-130 crashed this morning into a mountain near the town Guelmim, in the south of Morocco. According to Morocco's official news agency, the MAP, the plane was carrying 81 people and only three have survived. The plane came from Dakhla and was heading towards Kinitra, a town right outside Morocco's capital Rabat. Some of the soldiers on board were due to meet King Mohammed this Saturday to celebrate his 12th year as king.

这架大力士130型(Hercules C-130)军用运输机今天早上在南摩洛哥圭尔敏(Guelmim)附近撞山坠毁。据摩洛哥官方新闻机构MAP报道,这架飞机搭载了81人,只有3人幸存。这架飞机来自达赫拉,前往Kinitra,就在摩洛哥首都拉巴特以外。机上的一些士兵原本计划本周六会见国王,庆祝他成为国王12周年。

The official Egyptian news agency says that the former President Hosni Mubarak is weak and refusing solid food. The report comes a week before he's due to stand trial, accused of ordering the killing of protesters. From Cairo, Jon Leyne.

埃及官方新闻机构表示,前总统穆巴拉克身体虚弱,拒绝进食固体食物。该报告来自他接受审判一周之前。穆巴拉克被指控下令杀害抗议者。开罗,Jon Leyne报道。

The report said Mr Mubarak's doctors would decide in the coming hours how to proceed as his current food intake was not enough to keep him alive. Opposition supporters are sceptical about reports on Hosni Mubarak's health. They believe the authorities are just trying to avoid him going on trial as scheduled next week. At the same time, there does seem growing evidence that he is an increasingly enfeebled old man.


A United Nations fact-finding mission in Libya says the health service in the capital Tripoli is under growing strain as Nato's bombing campaign against Colonel Gaddafi continues. The UN mission says medical supplies including vaccines are running low and most foreign medical staff have left the city. It says some areas of Tripoli are experiencing electricity cuts. There are long queues at petrol stations, and Libyan oil experts say fuel stocks could run out in two weeks' time.


BBC News

The Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has said he will ask parliament to amend the constitution so that presidents will serve a single longer term in office. The Nigerian constitution currently limits presidents to two four-year terms. Mr Jonathan has not said how long the new term should be, but he says the change will focus politicians more on governance and less on re-election.


The United States has suspended a $350m aid programme to Malawi because of concerns that the government there is becoming increasingly authoritarian. The American aid package was intended to improve Malawi's electricity network, but it's dependent on a commitment to good governance. Recent suppression of anti-government protests has left 19 people dead in Malawi.


Mexican officials say at least 17 people have been killed and another four injured in an armed clash in a prison in the northern city of Ciudad Juarez. A spokesman for the city's authorities told the BBC that one group of prisoners attacked inmates from a rival drug gang on Monday night, using weapons they'd seized from guards.


The Colombian salsa star Joe Arroyo has died at the age of 55 after being in hospital for nearly a month with lung and kidney problems. Arroyo, who's most famous for the hit La Rebelion, began singing in brothels in the Caribbean city of Cartagena at the age of eight. From Bogota, Arturo Wallace reports.

哥伦比亚萨尔萨舞明星Joe Arroyo因肺部和肾的问题在医院就医接近一个月之后去世,享年55岁。Joe Arroyo以榜上有名的单曲La Rebelion在八岁的时候开始在加勒比城市卡塔赫纳开始了歌唱生涯。波哥大,Arturo Wallace报道。

For Colombians, he was simply the greatest, and it's difficult to imagine a single Latin American not having danced at least once to one of his many hits. Alvaro Jose Arroyo Gonzalez - Joe Arroyo, El Joe - was a dominant figure of the salsa music scene between 1985 and 1995. And during his prolific career, 40 of his songs made it to the top of the Colombian charts. He was also the man who more clearly reclaimed the African heritage of Latin American tropical music both in his lyrics and rhythms.

对哥伦比亚人来说,他是最伟大的。很难想象有哪一位拉美人没跳过他的其中一支舞。Alvaro Jose Arroyo Gonzalez是1985年至1995年间萨尔萨舞的主导人物。在他丰富多彩的职业生涯中,他的40首歌曲曾经排在哥伦比亚排行榜首位。他还在拉美热带音乐的歌词和曲调中添加了非洲元素。
